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Edited by Razzupaltuff: 9/25/2014 11:00:46 AM

Ppl dropping from strike Cerberus Vae III (Mars); Grinding; Innovation

Since my warlock is above level 20 now, I have started playing a lot of strikes recently to gain vanguard rep and marks. Now I have noticed that players very frequently drop from the Mars strike. That is absolutely annoying; But after having played it a few times, I understand why they are doing that: The Mars strike takes excessively long to finish and (bar the general repetitiveness of strikes) is rather boring compared to other strikes, because you have to destroy that Goliath tank before being able to proceed to the strike's final stage. I actually think that this stage of the strike (and the Mars in general) is pretty similar to the Earth strike where you need to destroy that devil walker before being able to hunt down Sepiks Prime, but yet ... I generally have to say that having to play the same few strikes over and over, with the only difference being difficulty level (which actually is relative, since you play higher strike levels at higher character levels) looks incredibly entertaining to me. Patrol missions and public events don't make much of a difference, nor will endlessly repeated PvP matches. Anyway, this is just the start into what I am having to say about Destiny. After having played through the (lackluster) story, all that actually remains is grinding, and the grind is very tedious and has a rather boring reward (better equipment to gain higher character levels and more firepower for a harder grind ...) Very innovative, Bungie. You didn't even have enough money to hire a really good story writer and make more of your bombastic game setting? Destiny totally fails in surprising players with something novel as they progress through the game and increase their level. Maybe some people here have e.g. played Fallout, which somehow reminds me of Destiny with its huge, barren outdoors. Fallout was so different. You had something to discover at every new turn you made. Bungie, there have been enough great examples how to make a huge open world game adventurous and thrilling over and over, and unless you are having a big change to the current formula ready for the (near) future, you have failed big time. I am a rather jaded player, playing computer games since the days of the Apple ][e, and while I still love playing computer games, all I can say about Destiny is "been there, done that". You have nothing new to offer. Maybe what you have is (more than) good enough for your main audience of teenagers and young adults who are satisfied with frag fests, massive effects and a booming soundtrack, but it is just too generic and uninspired for people looking for depth in a game; and as far as PvP goes, I'd rather satisfy my needs for competitive multiplayer gaming with BF4, which Destiny cannot hold a candle to. Bungie, I remember one of your dev's marvelling at the level of innovation in Destiny in one of your official videos, and I trusted you on that. That was a mistake. I can anticipate the usual suspects recommending me to just stop playing (and getting a bit more bored will probably have that effect), but I had thought I had paid for more than just what Destiny is now, and I have to say that in regard of innovative gameplay I am not looking too enthusiastically at Destiny's future.

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