I am looking for a team which is online on the daily. A group that knows what they are doing. I do have experience in this raid but am looking to complete it at least once everyday with a steady team. I have a mic and am only level 26 Titan with a grimoire of 2085, but can definitely handle my self with some responsibility. If anybody that already has a team or is looking to start one up message or send me a friend request. My PSN is B00TY-_-Warrior_ (there are zeros in the B00TY part). I will check if you post on this forum around every 20 to 30 minutes so that works too.
I have a lvl 26 and a half warlock, about to hit 27 next week. I am looking for a consistent raid group as I am online everyday from 5 to 1 or 2 except for saturdays. I know the mechanics of the raid and have a mic. Add me on PSN Str8upcr8zy. LET'S BECOME LEGEND!