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9/23/2014 12:22:34 AM
I completely agree, Matchmaking, or at least SOME kind of LFG system for this content needs to be a thing. I get where there might not be for raids, but why the weekly heroic strikes? I got an exotic weapon bounty that needs me to do it solo because I have no real means of finding a group. I don't exactly have a full social network and none of the contacts I do have play the game on the same console. I can't talk to anyone in game, I can't even throw up a LFG flag. All I can do is message players through the PSN, hope I catch them before the leave the tower, and hope they don't block me. And to show how successful that is, I haven't been able to get a single group together in the entire week. I got one guy, who bailed when it was taking too long to get a third... and I don't blame him, who wants to spend more time sitting around looking for players than they do actually playing the game. Seriously, if they're not going to have matchmaking for these features at least have SOME system IN GAME for trying to find players with similar goals. Without this, and with the lack of any in game public chats, there's no easy method to even communicate intent to other players in the tower to see if anyone is interested in joining up. At this point I'm honestly wondering why they bothered to have a 'social' zone at all when there's no way to actually socialize beyond waving, pointing, dancing, sitting down and sulking, and repeatedly hurl myself off the tower. It's just a little ridiculous when my best bet for finding a group is turning away from the game, booting up my computer, going to forum, and trying to organize a group at a later date, which is, quite frankly, dumb as hell. I'm trying to organize play time, not a doctors appointment or a work meeting. Please for the love of god Bungie make your actual GAME more social.

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