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originally posted in: Farming Whiners.
Edited by Faceless: 9/21/2014 1:57:46 PM
Ok let's get this straight. People aren't jealous and I accept farming is part of games like this. Only when you are farming several days in a row because the other parts of the game have no appeal to play because they aren't even close to as rewarding at all, it becomes boring. The concern you seem to miss is there should be a viable alternative and there isn't. The loot drop is so random it's broken. It should be based upon the type of enemy you kill. The harder they are the better the loot. You should be rewarded for the effort put in. Bosses should be like loot pinatas throwing out tonnes of loot when they die. [spoiler] A prime example is on the Vault of Glass your final reward is.... The lamest shader in the game. Yes I know you'd expect maybe a limited legendary/exotic class item to show you've beaten it but no. [/spoiler] So it's not an issue with gamers. We understand why you are farming, we are all farming, anything else is a waste of time. My issue is with the game not making the actual strikes, raids and other activities rewarding enough to make them a viable alternative to enemy respawn camping for days on end. More work = less reward that's the issue here.

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