originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Level 27 Titan looking for raid party gt sgtjon234
Looking for raid or just more xbox friends GT: LapsisSurget
Level 25 Titan 932 def looking for raid party
Looking for people to do weekly mission with Lvl25 hunter
Looking for one more lvl 25 or higher member for a raid party!! Add me GT: TheOnlyMrDeeds
If you're looking for one for the raid, GT: Symmetrik, level 26 Hunter, invite me.
Need Raid party, my GT: The 7th Beast Lv 26 warlock
Good evening, I am looking to expand my friend list with new peoples from all over the world. I am looking to have fun. GT : salinoc
Hi guys , Looking for people to do Raids and Epic Strike mission and anything high lv end game basically to farm those legendaries/Exotics. Hunter Lv 24 Add Louisf23
Started a new topic: Looking for members for the Raid.(2 Replies))
Looking for raid party. Message me @ The 7th Beast
GT: skeletaldragon8 casual gamer on Xbox One - PvP, PvE, raids, etc. feel free to add. currently lvl 17 warlock
Looking for some people to do the weekly with level 23 hunter gt: Therealtswick
need raid party lvl 25 titan with mic GT Satori Samurai
GT: Hayk R Feel free to add me. Lets go do the raids without any deaths. Who is game?
Lv 23 warlock looking to do weekly strike for exotic bounty. Gt: zero4291 feel free to add :)
Level 25 hunter looking for raid party
Level 20 warlock. Will on in 10 minutes
Can I change my class? I picked Titan, but I'm kinda feeling Hunter was the way to go.
I need some people to play on the vault guys. I'm a lvl 25 hunter. Reply for details
Looking for people to level up and play with. I'm currently a lvl 11 Titan. My Gamertag is MasterCriex.
Hey Guardians. Feel free to add me on xbox1. Looking for people to raid with most evenings New Zealand/Aussie timezone. Username Inklz.
Edited by o0LaffyTaffy0o: 9/16/2014 5:35:30 PMNeed help w/ exotic weapon bounty! I'm on the final part and need to clear the summoning pits. (Lvl 26 Hunter) gamertag: Sir Lafalots
Looking for 3 more for the raid all levels 24 so far. Just pm me or add on live GT: LuckyEnd
Need a team for the vault all welcome. Ps I'm a level24 hunter