originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Looking for one more to do the nightfall strike GT xdrewx11
Looking to play some strikes! I don't care which, just want a good group that talks. Lvl 22 Hunter GT: XXXSYNISTRXXX
Lvl 26 Gunslinger hunter looking for people to do weekly strike and queens wrath. GT: Z3r0 mercy
Looking for members
Somestoner 024 add me i have a mic
LFG to do the exotic mission with xyor the unwed. My GT is DominoeUSMC
Guys lets raid it up. The chests have reset and I need a team GT:XIXxR34P3RxXIX
I'm a warlock looking to share some endgame content with you guys on the xbone, I'll probably be playing on weekday evenings (GMT) mostly. Gamertag is Bobsqubt, add me if you ever want to group up.
Gamer tag is Rawcasian. I do campaign, strike, etc. add me cause I'm looking for more to play with. I'm tired of getting bads who leave after ten seconds.
Level 25 Hunter and climbing, add me up if you ever wanna do anything! The Ironbacks
New clan and looking for new members and friends. Doing a little bit of everything and having fun with it. Most of the members are lvl24 and up, but as long as you are lvl20+ there will be people for you to play with. So come have some fun and meet new people.
Lvl 26 warlock looking for group for queens wrath event playlist
Need 2 people to do the week nightfall strike level 26 need 2
Hello I am on the last boss in the vault of glass raid i need help please be lvl 27 or above mic required hopefully try to beat it by tomorrow
Level 25 hunter. Offering to help with whatever your doing, add "Sjkoldolfr"
Lv 24 hunter with great gear and can beat hard bosses
L:24 on Warlock class I play on the XboxOne would like people around that level or 20+ to add me so we can do weekly strikes/other things GT: Sin Psychosis
Lvl 26 lock looking for raids and strikes GT: Kohler g
lvl 26 max defender Titan looking for RT fans to play with and do Strikes/Raids. GT: DR RyanA
Edited by Zinnairies: 9/22/2014 9:37:13 AMHey! Lvl 26 Warlock with full Legendary gear looking for people to do Strikes and Raid with :) Also just to be social with! GT: Zinnaires
Need help with the weekly challenge strike. Have to finish the exotic bounty but can't do it on my own. XBOX ONE: akmuzicman
Edited by JMON56: 9/23/2014 3:14:55 AManybody want to raid? current level 28 Titan never touch the raid portion of the game.playing on xbox one. gamertag Jmon56.atleast an hour of raid gametime.please be at level 26 or higher. need 5 members (good luck have fun) pacific time
Lvl 20 only play on weekends gamertag Shoot2thrill328
27 titan LFG vault of glass, gamertag ^ same as above.
Edited by Depression,Ender Of Life: 9/22/2014 10:52:48 PMLooking for lvl26+ to help me with my exotic weapon mission Mission is moons strike mission very hard