originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
"Absolute Vice" is looking for member 28+ for fast (45 minute) Vault of Glass Runs moving into Heroic. Currently recruiting one 28+ Warlock (Sunsinger). Also looking for members for Alt Runs and weekly locks (Nightfall Strike). Message "Empire Trixr" or Request join by searching "Absolute Vice" clan.
Looking for a couple people to do queens wrath with, 26 hunter GT: Wvtermelan. Just message me
Lvl 27 titan, almost lvl 28. excellent in all modes from strikes to pvp. If you wanna game just hit me up. Gamertag: ShakeAndBake AK
I'm so lonely in game. Feel free to add me: LIGHTZEAL.
I am looking for people to help with THE QUEEN'S WRATH story challenge, lvl 24 warlock GT is fericfirefeathe, message me : )
Lvl 26 (almost 27) Hunter looking for people to play with. I dabble in everything, and could use some help with the Thorn Strike (need help with the last part that's the epic strike). Add/msg me, GT is the same as username here. (timezone wise I'm Pacific, just in case that makes a difference). I also have a level 23 Titan and Lvl 21 Warlock if people need some fill in pieces for whatever activities, but the Hunter is my primary
Looking for Destiny plus Diablo 3 and minecraft gamers. Gamer tag is - Cragum.
Looking for some people to do Queens wraiths with, level 25 hunter GT: WvterMelan
Edited by GoinBallistic: 9/24/2014 6:37:54 PM19 Titan looking for ladies and gents to assist me with finishing the campaign on hard. Generally play anywhere from 5pm - 11pm EST. Live name is the same as here.
Level 26 hunter looking to do a bunch of queens wrath missions, add me :)
Hey everyone on the Xbox One, I just started a new group called Thunder Kraken and I'm looking for more members. We are up to about 40 in almost 2 days. Everyone is lvl20+ and once they get to lvl24 they can join the clan. We have members from all different time zones so you can always find someone to play with. This group is geared toward the casual gamer that wants to make friends and have some fun. We do everything from farming to eventually attempting the VoG Raid. So if this sounds like you please check us out.
level 23 hunter and looking for some people to do the queens wrath missions with ; ; (also hopefully getting together a team to do VoG in the future) GT VyrusKT
Looking for more for strikes / bounty / raid. Add me - oneir0 (23 Titan / 25 Hunter), or follow us on Hyperions Folly (also recruiting).
Looking for people to play with on Destiny and other games. GT: ReinderFin. Add me.
IGN: Shadowz Master, do regular strikes and all events, lots of crucible, starting from today
Mister ML lvl 25 titan
Add me KINGxKOOPA92 lvl 26 hunter usually on most days willing to do raids and strikes
Lvl 27 titan looking to put together a raid team for vault of glass. I'm an Aussie looking for other Aussies (due to timezones) message me if interested. Gamertag is: iambearwarrior
Hey peeps. I'm a lvl 25 Titan whose looking for a group to raid and do weeklys with. Message or friend Rakuenwolf if you wanna play!
lvl 22 warlock. Need help with the queens wrath please. Gamertag is Chinchilla0627.
Looking for raiders level 25 warlock Xbox one gamertag is Rogue Blade
Looking for some people on Xbox one for heroic story and weekly. Gamer tag Rawcasian. Add me.
lvl 24 defender titan looking for fireteam gt: sgt BURGERKING
Warlock LV 25 GT: ShadeYuki2500
Icebrc warlock lvl 16
Looking for one more to do the nightfall strike GT xdrewx11