originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Just looking for people to team up with on Xbox one feel free to add me Gamertag: stalemuffin202 Lvl 25 Titan Lvl 17 hunter
Wanting to join a raid party lvl 27 warlock, username: AndManROO
Doing level 26 heroic strike for 6 strange coins, be at least level 25 message me (its my user)
Looking to do a few queens raids, lvl 25 hunter, anyone up to it?
me and friend want to start raid from beginning, we are both level 27, hunter and titan, message or invite gts Call Me Dandon and Ryked11
me and friend want to start raid from beginning, we are both level 27, hunter and titan, message or invite gts Call Me Dandon and Ryked11
if anyone needs an extra person to raid with send me a message gt Evil Cerberus
Need two people to help me do the Thron bounty lvl 26 moon strike. I'm a lvl 28 hunter. Message me
Lvl 28 Hunter looking for east coast players to do everything PVE, particularly raiding.
[b]26 Warlock looking to do 26-28 events (Story, Strike, Nightfall, Raid) - XO, EU[/b] Warlock level 26, I am up for the following events: - Daily Story mission on 28 - Weekly Strike on 26 - Weekly Nightfall Strike 28 - Raid I realize I am a bit too weak for the last ones, but I can help you out and stay alive, I also have the Fireborn resurrect ability. I have a mic and can play the role that I am asked to. XO, EU (time zone GMT+2) Gamertag: Stenbox
Add/message me on xbox live today to do weekly strikes, queen raids, daily heroic missions, and VoG. Gamertag: no sir jeremiah
Level 27 warlock looking for raid partners on fridays and weekends can do other stuff on weekdays
[b]Rockmar and The Secret Ninja Sex Party Tribute Fireteam[/b] Hey Guys, if you are after a few Aussie boys to chill with and play destiny raids we're 6 strong and lvls 24-28 generally. If you're keen to play add Rockmar123. See you in the cosmodrome!
Level 28 hunter looking to do weekly nightfall strike and maybe later this week do VOG. Message/add Valkour13
Lvl 24 warlock looking to do queens Gt: frostymilkman3
lvl 24 hunter looking to do either daily, weekly or queens
Hi I'm looking for people to do queens wrath with and just have fun. I'm a lvl 22 Titan. Add me :) GT: Nemo Demon
Lvl 28 Titan looking to do vog and nightfall add me
I'm looking for ppl to do VOG or weekly strikes add me. GT colston21
Level 22 Warlock, Feel free to drop me a message anytime, I'm up for whatever, be it strikes, crucible, or just some help. I'm still gearing, but I'm looking forward to some raiding later on as well. "Sims Reaper" is my XBox Gamertag. Hope to see some of you on the flip side!
Xbox one player looking for people to do queens wrath, strikes and eventually VOG. GT corporate mule
Looking for partners for queens wrath gt is as above got no mic though
add me GT: BurnDaPancake
Looking for one more person with VOG experience to help join our fireteam. We are almost done with mission and want a sixth man
Looking to do VoG fresh. Message me
I would like to find some players that share the same interest as me. I usually play solo. Crucible I find myself leading the room every time despite win or loss. If there are a few guys out there that would enjoy dominating some crucible with me .. Send me a message/friend request! ALSO- I would like to get a 6 man team working for VOG weekly. A set 2 days that we split it up and do it every week. Basically same as above. Send me a message/friend request. PS. I have fun when I play I'm not some overly nerdy weirdo. I like to laugh my balls off when I cut people down with arc blade in mid air and you'll usually catch me yelling denied, or goaltending cause I think its hilarious. I curse a lot. Not racist though ! hit me up!