originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Add me if you ever wanna play mrodriguez13
Tarrocalibur lvl 25 gunslinger I do crucible and raids ADD ME!
Looking for players for daily and weekly missions. If interested add: devious wookie
Edited by Geezus Cristo: 10/3/2014 7:26:50 AM
Started a new topic: Looking for people to play with.(4 Replies))
If anyone wants to do queens missions and potentially the weekly heroic strike, add IX BiiRDMaN XI and send a message and I'll invite you
Edited by jemhadar93: 10/5/2014 9:13:01 PMLooking for 3 people for epic summoning pits need at least 1 titan. xbl gt is jemhadar93.
Level 29 Hunter. Will do anything, but really want to start grinding VOG for raid gear. XB1 GT is NightAngel151.
Level 27 nearly 28 hunter looking for [u]experienced[/u] group who has completed the vault of glass. I'm on the final boss and really just need someone who is very experienced with the relic. I'm usually the one to go into the portals and take out the oracles. If anyone wants to help please message me here or with the Gamertag: RextTheGreat
Lookin for anyone to do daily and weekly add Gremlinking24k if interested
Anyone please add me to normal raid Im lvl 26 hunter and i have experience
Anyone that wants to do VoG add me. LochieBoss lvl 27 Thanks
Looking for people to do weekly heroic with GT: Leemum
Looking for people to do Queen and Weekly gt: fatalmirage9
24 Hunter LFG Queen's Wrath Kill Order GT: xBingobam
[quote]General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with![/quote]looking for people for VoG message me lvl 26 or higher XxToxicWolfzZ
Need 2 more for raid on last boss need to be Lvl 27 or higher Xbox one GT iiHD TROLLINGii
Need help for weekly heroic strike. 27 warlock, xb one, GT is RaidenWolf JASE
Lvl 27 hunter need people for nightfall right now gt Lafffyyyyy
Weekly heroic now anyone? Gt: georgelikeafox
Just beat the raid!!!!!
Any 1 kno how to xp 4 exotics fast
Need one more for the thorn strike, 26+ message Toobbez
Edited by thedarkdgames: 10/4/2014 8:03:18 AM
Started a new topic: need help with weeklys im a level 25 warlock(3 Replies))
Looking for pretty much anything, trying to get weekly done for the coins. GT Clubbinbabyseals lvl 26 titan