originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Level 27 warlock, almost 28 looking to do vault of glass, weekly, and nightfall
Looking to complete the VOG. I'm a level 28 Hunter currently at the Atheon checkpoint, but I'm willing to do a fresh start. I'll be on around 3:00 p.m. PST. Shoot a message to my GT if you'd like to play - Xx J3R B3AR xX.
Level 27 titan. Need a few more people to join the raid tomorrow at 5pm central time (Saturday). Preferably 27 or above. We are on the first boss. My name is my gamertag. Message me with your class and level
Vault of glass, Xbox one, normal, 5 pm central time today(Saturday) 27s and above only. Have a mic Starting from the first Templar boss. We need 2 more players
Looking for people to join Dust Bin Liners clan for people who want to do daily and weekly activities and having fun not bothered what lvl u are just interested in people joining
Lvl 27 Hunter looking to do weekly nightfall.
have a relic save on vog hard mode anyone wanna hop in?
Edited by FR1ZzYtech: 10/18/2014 4:36:28 PMLevel 11 Warlock looking for anyone to level with me. First Destiny run through and it's going pretty well as I solo everything on hard, given a few hair pulling, controller throwing induced deaths. Not really into the Crucible just yet, I'll wait until I finish maxing out my character before I begin getting serious with PVP. If anyone would like to run around and kill some shit, just add me on Xbox One.
Looking for 2 people to help me with killing xyor during the summoning pits boss fight whilst epic modifier is on. Message if you can help!!!
Vog normal
Edited by SealPause01: 10/18/2014 2:37:00 PMthorn hand cannon strike Xbox one
GT DrWatson221 add me on xbox1
Looking to run the weekly strike on 28. GT = Eternal Elir. Will be available for another hour or so. Send me a message if you want to play.
Looking for people to run level 22/24 strikes with and/or socially run bounties and other things when we're both online. I'm on almost every night between 10PM-2AM EST. GT: sXe ProjectMike
LF1M VOG Normal at Atheon. XB! Message Oghma Infinium
Xbone raid message me at MHDESTROY5570
Level 22 warlock looking for someone to level up with!
Looking to do weekly strike. If you need another player send me an invite.
Looking for anybody to raids with, weekly, nightfall, vault of glass or whatever. Any level welcome will help with anything if needed have a level 28 Hunter with 3 exotic weapons and i am leveling up a titan as we speak. =) GT is Name
need people to do weekly strike. lvl 36 warlock GT: A Kind Shark
need people to do weekly strike. lvl 36 warlock GT: A Kind Shark
Edited by A Kind Shark: 10/16/2014 9:00:57 PMLooking to do Weekly Heroic Strike Level 26 Warlock GT: A Kind Shark
Lvl 27 hunter willing to do either weeklys or raid.
Lvl 30 hunter Xbox 1 add me (chiief rocka) down to do raid on HARD or nightfall
Lookn for 4 more for VOG now
Experienced level 30 Hunter looking for group to do Vault of Glass on hard at 6:00pm EST.