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originally posted in:The Resistance I
9/5/2014 6:39:35 PM
Interesting topic, so thanks for starting it. All I've seen is advice on adding clan tag designations . Personally, I've seen all sorts of requirements for how you need to look (armor config, color scheme, emblems) and what you need to advertise (tags, GT add ons, mottoes, slogans) and my take away from all of that is this: Wear what you want, list yourself how you'd like, and play. Someone always seems to get bent out of shape by having to conform to some standard and really, what is the point? We're here, aren't we? If folks want to impose or request that DoD 360 Charlie have some of these affiliation or visual requirements, that's fine, but I humbly request that we collectively give folks their leave to be individuals and do as they please. Even if we end up rolling out in PvP together, does it really matter much if opponents can see that we're in a particular clan? I think likely not, unless we recruit some top notch pros and put a regular hurtin' on folks such that we want them to remember "how bad it was when we played those DoD Charlie guys....." I'm in a lot of other affiliations. If I were to motto or bio up everything, I'd be a Spartanhawk (since Combat Evolved) Halodiehard, 2nd Platoon Easy Company, DeathDebtDealer, GeezerGamer, GeezerinArm, Dads of Destiny and maybe Seattle Sounder East. Gets to be a bit much, IMO. Sorta bottom line: I respect anyone's decision to want to identify with a particular group just as much as I hope you respect mine to not do so, even though I'm part of that same overall group. I'm here for the community and the shared experience.

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