Anyone who has played Last of Us, or any other shooter on MP, knows how sad the PSN is compared to the xbox community in terms of shooters/communication. 15% of PSNers use a mic, hardly ever use any teamwork, and have terrible dueling skills. [b]It is not your (PSN) fault[/b], you haven't had the proper shooters to cultivate your shooting skills into an honest to God FPSer's paradise of ownage. The time has not been put in to develop the skills necessary for a proper shooter.
Who saw it in the beta? PSN players would do the dumbest things, jumping in the air like a clay pidgeon, and take the worst routes to an objective, while xboners would take you head on and duel you for control of the lane, and use their mics to coordinate an effort.
Xbox people have had many FPS games to cultivate their skills, while PSNers had what? I'm sorry to say this, but Xboxers know how to fight in a shooter. PSNers are but peasants compared to the true kings of the shooter.
Debate all you want, but the facts speak for themselves. Facts are: tournaments, competitive play, and MLG. Which system do they usually choose? Xbox.
Here's hoping Destiny transforms you into the shooters we need you to be. Welcome to the realm of FPSers.
There are a lot of good PS4 players. A lot of us came from Halo. But I do agree that there are a lot more bad PSN players than XBL players. I played on both PS4 and XB1 and on PS4 there was a large gap between the top player and bottom player but on XB1 everyone was much closer to each other.