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8/16/2014 3:53:46 PM
I like how Bungie is allowing complete control to the players in who they choose to talk with. I don't like being forced into listening to others when I do not want to. I don't care for rap music, or who's mother is mad at their kid for not finishing their homework, someone's negative opinion of everyone else, or someone's failed attempts at trying to score a date. It may not sound like a problem to some, but for others who decide to immerse themselves into the world Bungie has created, exploring it, fighting in it, leveling up in, its a huge deal, can ruin their time as well. If it were to be implemented, it would need to be off by default. You cannot take the time to pause the game and mute some asshole while enemies are shooting at you, because there is no pause. I think this would be a fine way to do it.

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