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Edited by OnionRing27: 7/30/2014 1:45:23 PM
We got a reward. It was that exclusive gray emblem with the spaceship on it. Get over yourself and stop pushing this SAO bs. Destiny =/= SAO. it's not even the same genre. Destiny is a SciFi game and SAO was Fantasy. I've honestly gotten to the point where I can't tell if you guys are just delusional or flame baiting. There is no way in hell that their would ever be anything SAO related in Destiny. They are two completely different franchises, owned by two very different companies. It would literally require a co-operative effort between both companies to make what you are asking happen. To top it all off, Bungie has NEVER been known to put any anime easter eggs in their games let alone full on content. Go ahead, cheack out all the easter eggs from the halo series: [url=]Halo Easter Eggs[/url]. You didn't even make a quality freaking poll! you made two SAO options and an other option! What were you even thinking?! Why don't you go to some SAO section of an anime forum to fangasm over SAO. it wasn't even a very good anime. The story was complete shit and sophmorish. There was so many plot holes that entire sections of the series didn't make any sense and the creator clearly didn't have any idea how the game mechanics of an MMO work. If you are going to insist on fanboying up the forum at least pick a non-trash anime that doesn't have their target area set to middle schoolers (aka shounen) EDIT: I will take that stale cookie with pride considering that this thread is still managing to make the front page and I refuse to further the bumping of this thread by doing an actual reply to your comment. this needs to find it's way back into the forum abyss.

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