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7/23/2014 8:30:30 PM
If it works so well in a postive manner explain how the great communities that use this system are viewed. Dayz is for sociopaths, where you force people that are handcuffed to eat and drink substances that are lethal before you kill them or leave them to be eaten by zeds, if you don't execute them. People ask for simulated -blam!- in Dayz. This system leads to far more trouble than it creates good contact. If people really want to talk to others stop being lazy and invite them to fireteam/network chat and show that you really want to foster good teamplay. Otherwise its the same group of insolent little kids (not an age insult, its based on maturity) that play COD, BF4, and Dayz and would use it to be tools in a game that is otherwise amazing. I should NOT have to mute an entire area because people are behaving in ways that affect my experience, the people I want to be social with I am, the people I do not want to be social with I am not. If you want to be more social do it in a way that does not affect someone elses experience. For examples of the kind of people that want this: Polyamarous Edited: Jun 17 at 10:32:04 AM Permalink If you voted no to this then you need ur dick chopped off. derpds Edited: Jul 3 at 10:04:47 AM Permalink More I THINK of it...Yes...Will make to some great trolling vids... MajorCrabs Edited: Jun 16 at 9:54:22 PM Permalink Prox chat also fulfils a major SOCIAL aspect of any game. Take planetside 2. Without Prox chat that game would have been so boring. You had your screamers, spammers, music players, casual conversations, pissed off guy, troll guy, the solicitor, the leader, the drunk guy, and many more. I mainly lurked but some of the most humorous moments I have had had been of me eavesdropping on conversations. Skella Edited: Jun 19 at 5:01:00 PM Permalink THINK about it this way, you can fly by some dude, blow up all of the enemies he's fighting with one rocket or something, call the dude a -blam!-, and ride off into the sunset. Jokes aside, I really want proximity chat Edit: looks like I can't say that word, but it rhymes with baggot ------------------------- It COULD foster teamwork, It COULD be a positive thing, It most likely based on every other game that has it end up being a cancerous mole that stains the community. If you want to talk to people make the effort to do so, there are multiple methods for doing this in the current build. There is no need for communication on world events, no need to talk to a random I meet in explore, no reason to put this cancerous system in place unless you really want to be able to ruin someone elses experience without going through the effort of using the current systems.

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  • Damn bro... You are the most "cancerous" and oppressive personality type on these forums. As the posts below point out, with appropriate options THIS ISSUE WILL NOT AFFECT YOU! yet you still post walls of text in opposition. people like you prevent any sort of solution or progress and only rail against others preference to spite them. I believe your motivations are obvious, you do not want it, so nobody else should have it. Well pal, keep wasting your time with your advanced trolling. Your fighting a losing battle, and when bungie changes position on this issue, i will get some small satisfaction in knowing that you wasted all your words for nothing.

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  • Why would you argue against something that you have the option to ignore? If they keep chat the way it is a percentage of the population would be happy while the other percentage would be unhappy. But if they institute a system like the one described above then you can turn it off, I can turn it on, and everyone will be happy. I don't understand when people argue against a system they have the option to turn off.

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  • Because as long as it takes to ignore what is not in the game yet, it takes the same amount of time to invite someone to a fireteam. Without any of the above issues. Also, expecting this system in a game that is NOT an MMO is like getting angry that your dog cant fly like a duck. Why? because the dog is not a duck. To make it simple. Destiny is not an MMO, not an RPG, and not a traditional FPS. It is Destiny, love it or hate it. 1. My dog is not a duck, he cant fly or quack, so I want him changed. Curse you, you non avian canine! 2. My car is not a boat, it sinks when I drive it into the lake. Curse you Toyota, my Rav4 needs to be fixed! 3.My horse is not as tall as a Giraffe, hes so short and stumpy. I want him to have a longer neck! 4. Destiny doesnt have the things all MMO's have, so I want it to be like all the other MMO's. 5. Destiny doesnt have the story progression of an RPG, i want it to be like all the other RPG's. 6. Destiny is not like the other first person shooters, transitioning from COD/HALO/BF/CS/UT/QUAKE should be flawless with the same mechanics and physics that they do, fix your shit bungie! Same logical process for all of the above examples. None of which makes a lick of sense. Expecting things from something that is not what you label it as can only lead to it not being good enough. This applies to all things.

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  • I think you misunderstood me. When I said you could ignore it I meant that you could turn it off in the settings ONCE and be done with it. I would have to invite 6 separate people every single Crucible match, if they accept the invitation at all (which it is very unlikely that they will). Also, the entire second half of your argument is completely irrelevant. Who said this game was an MMO or that voice chat is a feature in MMOs? I don't want voice chat because it's in other games or other genres, I want it because I think it will make the game better. I understand that Destiny is its own new genre, but to completely dismiss something because it may have been implemented in other games seems shortsighted.

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  • Yes, you have to invite people to a fireteam, but its not a cumulative total. Options/L1/Roster/1 second per name if you really cant figure out how to hit X. I know that spending 10 seconds doing something that benefits you is hard, its 10 whole seconds, you could write a post defending your laziness in that time for heaven sakes. if they accept the invitation at all (which it is very unlikely that they will) More Console did a strawpoll, and most people (all destiny fans since his channels destiny based) said they wanted to run Lone Wolf. So yeah... that makes alot of sense that they want to play the game their way, and do. Heaven forbid someone should not want to party with you, what is wrong with them? It isnt like the consistent factor is you or anything. Who said this game was an MMO or that voice chat is a feature in MMOs? Every idiot that wants voice chat. Read the threads here. I want it because I think it will make the game better. Subjective opinions are not facts. Loads of games with voice chat attest to the fact that it in fact does not enhance the games in question. When voice chat shines is when people want to work together, for a team, and communicate out of mutual respect and willingness to. The fact that you dont want to put forth the effort, and expect that same result is once again, lazy as shit. I understand that Destiny is its own new genre, but to completely dismiss something because it may have been implemented in other games seems shortsighted. Yet you want to turn it into what you want, not what Bungie has made it. Funny how Bungie is shortsighted yet made Destiny over 5 years, and you cant spend 10 seconds making a fireteam. Lazy. Hers a thought, instead of whining about "i wan my vocals herd by everyones, im the most imperotant purson in da games! im Lmg! bungeeee fish your gam mens!" you could make a post looking for people that want to fireteam, trade information and when game drops you have a whole list of people to group with. Mind you, that would require you to not be a lazy ass and take a risk.

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  • I'm sorry. When I responded to your post I thought that we were going to have an intelligent and insightful discussion but I guess I was mistaken. I'm going to end it with this. I would never outright dismiss an OPTIONAL system just because I would never use it. If others wanted it and it would give them a better game experience then they have every right to use it because it has ZERO effect on how I would play the game. Also, Bungie asked for my feedback and I gave it.

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  • Nice 10/10.

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