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7/8/2014 8:04:33 AM

I've stuck with Bungie for a while. Here's what I have to say

This is absolutely ridiculous. Say what you will about agreeing or disagreeing with Bungie's practices. The way that they are handling this whole situation? Awful. It blows my mind that the company I love so much is doing things like this. I've just discovered that Xbox will be paying the same price for DLC as play station and be getting less content. It's one thing to pull that shit with just extra content in the game. But [i]exclusive dlc IN the dlc????[/i] I don't care who you are, playstation, xbox, whoever. You can't tell me that's not a shitty way to treat gamers. 5 or 10 years ago if you told me "Bungies gonna make a game for playstation too and they're gonna go down the same path as every game company and rip gamers off" I'd laugh at you. That's just Bungie-like. You'd have to be a fan of them like me to understand why it's off seeing them do this. It doesn't feel right. And it's not just this. Advertising some sort of "beta test" and making it 8 days max? 3 to 4 days for Xbox players? I probably won't even be able to play it in that time frame. I'll be on this thing called "summer vacation" and unless it gets cut short then I'm not signing up on the 24th, that's for sure. I'm not gonna whine or cry about it or link some meaningless begtition. I'm just saying it how it is: crappy business practices. I know everyone does it nowadays I didn't expect this from Bungie.

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  • It's hard to tell if Bungie is involved in this gimmicky behavior or if it's all Activision. Does it kind of suck that, as an Xbox owner, my investment in an equally good console and a $60 game doesn't seem to be worth as much as Playstation owner's? Yes. Do I think that I should be "grateful" for shelling out a lot of cash and not getting the entire product upon release? No. However, buying an Xbox and not buying a Playstation is my choice. I am not tethered to a brand and can change or add on whenever I so choose. How childishly this community has reacted is embarrassing and this ultimate form of nerd tribalism has enveloped a community that uses to be a pretty cool thing to be a part of. There is an adult way to have this conversation, and by no means is it being held that way.

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  • [quote]I'm not gonna whine or cry about it [/quote] Because you're totally not doing that now, right?

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  • Edited by macaface: 7/8/2014 5:54:54 PM
    Well I've stuck with Bungie for a long time too (12 years) and here's what I have to say; This should not be a surprise to anyone of you. You could have avoided this whole deal if you had just jumped on the wagon months ago. I saw bungie left M$, I did the same thing. They told us years ago the PS4 was amazing, so I listened. And I can tell you from the Alpha everyone is going to love this game. The poor people who have been behind PS for this long have missed out on all of our Halo memories. Remember that? When we HAD to cart our huge Xbox, controllers and tv's to our friends house to play some 8 on 8. Well they missed out on all that. This is the changing of the guard, now Guardian. Even though the PS are getting extra love Xbox still gets the game. Feel loved, be happy and enjoy the game for what it is, not what others get. Sorry Titanfall sucked, but this will be much better, see you on Mars.

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    3 Replies
    • Until it didn't go in the favor of Xbox, I bet you didn't care at all. To everyone griping about the length of the exclusives, how soon you forget that the Xbox has had a one year DLC deal in place before and it was pretty much the same as this one. Up until GTA IV, all GTA games had been PS exclusives. With GTA IV that all changed. It went multi-plat and was the game that started all this timed exclusivity crap. The DLC for that game came out on the 360 over a year before it came out on the PS3. At least Sony didn't pull an MS and have one of their execs come out on stage and roll his sleeve up with a fake tattoo of the game just to be a giant douche nozzle. But of course none of you remember this, because you are all either 12 or don't give a shit because that went in your favor. It could be worse. All it is is a couple meaningless pieces of gear and a couple of maps. At least you don't have to wait a year for the expansions which is pretty much what the DLC for GTA IV was. All Bungie/Activision did was pull a Rockstar Games on you. Rockstar made the deal with MS about GTA IV because they knew no matter what that PS gamers would buy the game anyway. The same as Bungie/Activision knows that you Halo loving Xbox players will buy Destiny regardless of the deals in place with Sony. Why don't you all speak up with your wallets and not buy the game instead of whining and bitching and clogging up the forums with BS that is going to change nothing!!! I did with GTA IV. I never have and never will play that game and will probably never play another GTA.

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    • Xbox isn't getting less, playstation is getting more

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      2 Replies
      • I've had enough of them and am not even planning on buying the game at this point.

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      • Edited by Caayn: 7/8/2014 3:14:16 PM
        You have my energy sword. I've been following Bungie for a long time and almost each Destiny reveal saddens me more than it should. Bungie used to care about the entire community, not just a part of it. What happened Bungie? Money couldn't have been the problem, you're a studio with a fantastic reputation. Every publishers should've been lining up to get a game from you. What happened? Bungie you're acting weird ever since Destiny was revealed. Bungie, please Bungie go back to your old self, this new behavior is breaking your community apart.

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        1 Reply
        • I'm just kinda annoyed that I paid 5 bucks for Beta, and I only get four days.

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          • It must be hard to be you... Not me tho, cause I have a PS4. Lol.

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            7 Replies
            • Hi Kotaku!

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            • You're ignorant if you think Bungie has anything to do with how the game is being marketed. Educate yourself.

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            • My reaction to this is similar to a post I shared in another thread, so I'll quite it here. [quote]I feel the same, more or less. Expected more from them. And the volume of neglect on the Xbox side is quite aggravating. Another real bummer in all this is seeing other long, long time community folks (like yourself) get burned by it all. I recognize a lot of these faces from BR spread, bubble shield, , ranked vs. social, armor lock and jetpack discussions of old. And for all these new faces to be rolling through saying, "lol sucks to be you grow up kid" posts...I can't help but roll my eyes at it.[/quote]

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            • I've been a Bungie fan for over 20 years. While this is something I never really expected from them, I'm not surprised. Times are changung. Business is what it is. I'll still stick with them and continue to do so.

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              1 Reply
              • Pure win.

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              • I just can't wait till everyone gets to play. It pains me that the people on Xbox will have to wait, we have all felt that pain. I want to be able to visit a forum that was cluttered with excitement on the 17th instead of waiting for the 22nd. I want us to be unified instead of separated. But the environment around the community is up to all of us. There is a lot of negative stuff swirling around this forum. I'm not going to tell you that you don't have the right to be indignant, but be adults about it.

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                • Sooo... It would be totally fine if the exclusives would be in the actual game, not in the dlc's? No matter which, you actually always get less for the same price and thats why exclusives always suck no matter who gets them.

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                • Everyone just saying to get a ps4... I'm over here like [i]im still on 360... A lot of people don't understand that some people can't afford the new systems. The majority of people had 360's last gen, and a large majority of people are stuck with them right now. So yeah, things are kind of unfair... A lot of these guys don't have a choice of new console lol

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                • The maturity level of many of these replies is appalling. OP was not whining, he was presenting an opinion. Learn to read things in a neutral tone and have at least some basic respect if you're going to reply.

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                  4 Replies
                  • You're not a Bungie fan, sorry.

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                  • I've been here 6 years, and I never thought I'd see the day where Bungie would ever disappoint. But something tells me that the events that are transpiring are somewhat out of Bungie's control.

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                    1 Reply
                    • Please dislike and report these threads. No one cares about what you think Bungie owes you!

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                      10 Replies
                      • [quote]This is absolutely ridiculous. Say what you will about agreeing or disagreeing with Bungie's practices. The way that they are handling this whole situation? Awful. It blows my mind that the company I love so much is doing things like this. I've just discovered that Xbox will be paying the same price for DLC as play station and be getting less content. It's one thing to pull that shit with just extra content in the game. But [i]exclusive dlc IN the dlc????[/i] I don't care who you are, playstation, xbox, whoever. You can't tell me that's not a shitty way to treat gamers. 5 or 10 years ago if you told me "Bungies gonna make a game for playstation too and they're gonna go down the same path as every game company and rip gamers off" I'd laugh at you. That's just Bungie-like. You'd have to be a fan of them like me to understand why it's off seeing them do this. It doesn't feel right. And it's not just this. Advertising some sort of "beta test" and making it 8 days max? 3 to 4 days for Xbox players? I probably won't even be able to play it in that time frame. I'll be on this thing called "summer vacation" and unless it gets cut short then I'm not signing up on the 24th, that's for sure. I'm not gonna whine or cry about it or link some meaningless begtition. I'm just saying it how it is: crappy business practices. I know everyone does it nowadays I didn't expect this from Bungie.[/quote] Let's just say bungie and Microsoft don't get along well with each other but that is no way to treat gamers

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                      • You are very self centered. Have you even consider what it's been like for us ps4 owners?!? It's been legendary news for us and you would take that away? Why?

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                        1 Reply
                        • Every bit of exclusive content you've seen is 100% timed. Xbox players may get it a little later, but everyone is paying the same amount of money for the same amount of content. It's five days, actually. The 23rd-27th. And don't act like this is some big betrayal. I understand, it sucks that PS players get the Beta for a few more days than Xbox players. But considering that you're not paying any extra money for those five days of gameplay, nobody should be whining about it. Bungie's trying to make a good first impression with the Sony community. They've already got a foothold with Xbox players, now they're showing PlayStation players that they're not exclusively Microsoft anymore. It's business. It's introduction. It's life.

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                          8 Replies
                          • There is so many ppl on and off this forum who feel the same way. My wife is not a console gamer but when i told her the facts of Bungie day even she was thinking it was a very poor move by Bungie.

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                          • Buuuuut you all still get to play the game.... Unlike Halo where playstation couldn't play at all. Be grateful.

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