I already did you, however my opinion of you has gone down recently so if you truly want another be warned.
._. Yes plz
It seems you tend to glow in a bit of attention Which isn't bad. We all enjoy being noticed, however that attention causes you to make quick and sometimes foolish choices. You speak first and think later more often Recently your attitude and treatment towards Noel has shown a rather distasteful side to you. [spoiler]which isn't me saying Noel was right in what she did [/spoiler] Digging up her opinion thread with malicious intent was spiteful and childish. It revealed to me that you're willing to fight unfairly. And just as I said to Lemon you were kicking a dog when it was down. Joining the sheep in wolves clothing. Negativity aside, I still see you as a person with your good qualities. You can be cheerful and enjoy a bit of silly fun.
Edited by IngloriousWho98: 6/21/2014 11:38:03 PMK[b] [/b] Sorry