Did you or someone you know fail at getting into the alpha because you;
1) Entered the wrong PSN ID into the form
2) Never received your email?
Please visit [url]http://support.activision.com/Contact_Us[/url] for any of your issues regarding the alpha process.
Edited by Mystical Mantis: 6/14/2014 3:56:31 AMHello, I'm hoping someone there can send me a code for the Destiny Alpha. I registered on time and on the information that everyone would get a code I bought a PS4 and the gold membership. I have also already registered for the beta as well. My email is Dcowperascb@gmail.com I have attempted to connect the help lines of Bungie, Activisson and Sony and I have been unable to find out why I haven't received a code. Would it be possible to email me a code . Canadian.Thank you for your help.