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originally posted in:Spread the Word
Edited by Recon Number 54: 8/16/2015 4:05:23 PM

Suicide Awareness Thread

First of all let's get the basics out of the way: I will absolutely not tolerate any offensive, ignorant or otherwise noncontributory attitudes in this thread. Keep it civil. This is what the NHS has to say about suicide: [quote]Suicide is the act of intentionally ending your life. If you are reading this because you have, or have had, thoughts about taking your own life, it's important you ask someone for help. It's probably difficult for you to see at this time, but you're not alone and not beyond help. Many people who have had suicidal thoughts say they were so overwhelmed by negative feelings they felt they had no other option. However, with support and treatment they were able to allow the negative feelings to pass.[/quote] The BBC: [quote]Often, they have been feeling stressed or down for some time. Things like family problems, exam pressure or bullying can make us unhappy. They feel despair. There seems no way out of the problems. Nobody seems to help. They think they'd rather be dead. Sometimes there is a 'final straw': getting dumped, failing an exam or feeling threatened. This becomes confusing and frightening - people may drink alcohol or take drugs, and it becomes self-destructive.[/quote] Some statistics: [quote]Suicide is the second biggest cause of death worldwide among 15-19 year olds. British men are three times more likely as British women to die by suicide. Girls are more likely to attempt suicide than boys. The suicide rate for males in the UK is at its highest since 2002.[/quote] And let's clear up some of the myths surrounding suicide: [quote][b]Myth: You have to be mentally ill to even think about suicide.[/b] Fact: Most people have thought of suicide from time to time and not all people who die by suicide have mental health problems at the time of death. However, many people who kill themselves do suffer with their mental health, typically to a serious degree. Sometimes it’s known about before the person’s death and sometimes not. [b]Myth: People who talk about suicide aren’t serious and won’t go through with it.[/b] Fact: People who kill themselves have often told someone that they do not feel life is worth living or that they have no future. Some may have actually said they want to die. While it’s possible that someone might talk about suicide as a way of getting the attention they need, it’s vitally important to take anybody who talks about feeling suicidal seriously. [b]Myth: Once a person has made a serious suicide attempt, that person is unlikely to make another. [/b] Fact: People who have tried to end their lives before are significantly more likely to eventually die by suicide than the rest of the population. [b]Myth: If a person is serious about killing themselves then there is nothing you can do.[/b] Fact: Often, feeling actively suicidal is temporary, even if someone have been feeling low, anxious or struggling to cope for a long period of time. This is why getting the right kind of support at the right time is so important. [b]Myth: Talking about suicide is a bad idea as it may give someone the idea to try it. [/b] Fact: Suicide can be a taboo topic in society. Often, people feeling suicidal don’t want to worry or burden anyone with how they feel and so they don’t discuss it. By asking directly about suicide you give them permission to tell you how they feel. People who have felt suicidal will often say what a huge relief it is to be able to talk about what their experiencing. Once someone starts talking they’ve got a better chance of discovering other options to suicide. [b]Myth: Most suicides happen in the winter months.[/b] Fact: Suicide is more common in the spring and summer months. [b]Myth: People who threaten suicide are just attention seeking and shouldn’t be taken seriously.[/b] Fact: People who threaten suicide should always be taken seriously. It may well be that they want attention in the sense of calling out for help, and giving them this attention may save their life. [b]Myth: People who are suicidal want to die.[/b] Fact: The majority of people who feel suicidal do not actually want to die; they do not want to live the life they have. The distinction may seem small but is in fact very important and is why talking through other options at the right time is so vital.[/quote] [b]Facts about suicide around the world[/b] 1 million people across the globe die by suicide each year. That’s one suicide every 40 seconds. More people die by suicide each year than by murder and war combined. It’s estimated that approximately 5% of people attempt suicide at least once in their life. Between 10% and 14% of the general population have suicidal thinking throughout their lifetime. Suicide is the second biggest cause of death worldwide among 15-19 year olds. 100,000 adolescents die by suicide every year. Suicide is estimated to be under-reported for reasons of stigma, religion and social attitudes. Many suicides are hidden among other causes of death, such as road traffic accidents and drowning. [spoiler]Considering how I have been recently, this is a very difficult thread for me to make, and I almost decided against it. But I feel it's too important to pass up the opportunity, especially after viewing some of the viewpoints on here regarding suicide. I'll reiterate: keep it civil.[/spoiler] As always, I'll do my best to answer any questions you may have. [i]If you're feeling suicidal or depressed, it's vital you reach out for help. Contact somebody you trust in order to get proper help, or get in touch with a professional yourself. If you ever have the urge to harm yourself in one way or another, please go on the internet and look up a hotline that exists in your country. My PM box is always open to anybody feeling low. Please remember, there are people out there who will, and want to, help you. It's isn't your fault. [/i] [quote]Bungie does not condone discussion of suicide on the forums of Life is precious, and suicide is a serious issue to be handled by licensed professionals. Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255).[/quote]

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  • Too bad I trust anybody to talk to

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  • I'm not exactly sure why there is such a great negative position on those who have considered, acted, or completed suicide. Why must one torment an already tormented one? If you don't want to help them, okay; you don't have to. However contributing to their problems? How could you call yourself a human being encouraging the self-inflicted death of another? Suicide is the product of the weak-minded. Is it? Humans are not invincible in [i]any[/i] aspect, as much as we'd like to think otherwise. Everyone can be killed, and everyone can be broken. What makes one break is vastly different from the next. No one who has not experienced severe forms of depression or suicidal thoughts can not [i]know[/i] what it feels like, they can only [i]try to understand[/i] what it does feel like. If you are contemplating suicide, send a message to me or call the suicide hotlines provided by your country.

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    2 Replies
    • [quote]Keep it civil[/quote] "Grabs popcorn"

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      • Why is suicide illegal? If someone does it, they won't be around for the consequences... right?

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        4 Replies
        • [quote]Bungie does not condone discussion of suicide on the forums of Life is precious, and suicide is a serious issue to be handled by licensed professionals. Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255).[/quote] And what is this thread doing? Discussing suicide on the forums of Reported.

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          • [b]Before I post, say all the shit you -blam!-ing want. Doesn't change the fact that suicide is actually a pretty serious topic. That's my opinion, everyone has one. I will respect your opinion because its just that: an opinion. Do the same to me and we'll get along well.[/b] This happened very recently. A friend I've known for years texted me a picture of a razorblade, asking where it should be put for her parents not to find out. I asked her if she had done this before, and she responded yes. I asked why, and she told me her parents were abusive, and she couldn't deal with them. She was about to go attempt suicide again, and I spent an hour and a half talking her out of it. Thankfully I did, and she hasn't attempted again. To those who think it's a way of weeding out the weak: it's your opinion. I don't think it's a good one, but I can't change the fact that you believe that. Only you can.

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            3 Replies
            • People who say "suicide is for the weak" or "suicide is the easy/cowards way out" are complete morons, they lack any sort of perspective.

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            • You're a good person. We need more people like you in the world. I hope you do a world of difference to people in need. Bless you.

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              • When I was 9 years old, I thought about attempting suicide. [spoiler]It was at that point in my life where the only thing my parents looked forward to were my grades. If I received good grades, I was good. If I received bad grades, I would be hit multiple times with whatever blunt object was nearby. The thing was, the teachers in my school never elaborated upon the lessons they taught, which led to some students confused or even distraught because they could not comprehend it. At that point, after the beatings, I just couldn't take it anymore. I didn't want to be constantly beaten 'till I eventually bled a bit because of negative letters. One of my brothers multi-tool knife was on a desk nearby, and I thought of a plan to end the pain. To end the constant beatings over bad grades. Fortunately, or unfortunately, one of my brothers came in to stop me. That was the first, and last, time I ever tried to commit suicide.[/spoiler] It aggravates me to see or hear elitist comments saying [b]"suicide is for the weak",[/b] or [b]"you're just feeling down is all,[/b] or [b]"you're an attention whore, blah blah blah,"[/b] etc. Strong people, both physically and mentally, [i]can[/i] commit suicide. It just takes a few things to make them [i]'tick'[/i]. OP, I commend you for making a post like this. A topic such as suicide should be brought to light, and not be ignored by the mass everywhere where they dismiss it.

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                6 Replies
                • Why would you put this here? Who cares?

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                  4 Replies
                  • I pissed off a girl need help

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                  • Hey can some msg me on x360 and talk, im kinda on the brink and i just need someone to play with to help me get through this :/ gt is cha0sreaper2000 (friends old account)

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                  • There was a time when I really thought about doing it. I really didn't want to live anymore. The only thing that kept me from doing it was the thought of leaving my family behind and how they would feel if I was gone. I never judge anyone who commits suicide and I hate when people do. They don't understand what people are going through on the inside.

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                  • Edited by Masshole: 8/16/2015 4:09:01 PM
                    I heard somewhere there that for every 4 men that die of suicide, 1 woman does. But women are 4x more likely to commit it. You hear that ladies? If you want true equality, you better get better at suicide. [spoiler]Joke brought to you by a comedian that I forget the name of.[/spoiler]

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                  • This is no place for suicidal advice. Don't encourage it.

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                  • I need help :/

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                    3 Replies
                    • Please don't kill yourself, just look for the good things in life

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                    • Oh hey look, a positive (suicide isn't, but you get what I'm saying) thread for once. Good for you, friend. And like they said: I'm here. I went through that period in my life, and I still deal with depression today. You can always talk to me if you need someone to lean on.

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                      2 Replies
                      • I've thought about it several times, I did self harm too. I lost my friend last year right when school started. I almost failed my classes & almost didn't graduate this year. I couldn't focus on anything, my mom told me to "get over him" like as if he was a family pet or something. She made things worse by not being supportive, I wasn't close to him but he made a huge impact. I still miss him, I try to talk about him when the moment is right. He would have been 18 this year & would have graduated...

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                        4 Replies
                        • Bump

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                        • Microwave for awareness

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                          2 Replies
                          • Every time I hear the phrase suicide awareness, I imagine some guy looking up at a guy about to jump off a building and saying "I think that dudes about to jump" and then walking away casually.

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                            5 Replies
                            • You're all a bunch of pansies! In all seriousness I've attempted suicide on multiple occasions with various methods. I'm still not entirely sure if the fact that I'm still alive is a good thing or not.

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                            • what about suicide bombers? she we be concerned and try to help them?

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                            • I try and stay away from these topics now. Very few people here understand what it's like to do or think about suicide. And the ones who know nothing about try and give their opinion on it. The anger it stirs.

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                              2 Replies
                              • Some dude shot himself in the head in the freezer room at Papa Johns where I live. I work at Domino's +1 for me

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