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originally posted in:DestinyBungieOrg D1
2/12/2014 1:00:58 AM

dboTV, Episode 16: roland + DestinyAuthor (Tuesday, 7pm PST)

The next day... [b]Bob Costas:[/b] "Matt, I have terrible news." [i][b]Matt Lauer:[/b] "Hey, Bob, what's up? If this is just another joke about your 'eye infection' vacation, you can shove it up your--"[/i] [b]Bob: [/b]"As you can see on this chart, our Nielsen ratings for the Olympics saw a massive drop on Tuesday. NBC isn't happy." [i][b]Matt: [/b]"What?! No, that can't be right. It's not my fault! Just run the numbers again, everyone knows Speed Skating is our bread and butter."[/i] [b]Bob: [/b]"We already re-ran the numbers. Sorry, Matt. Apparently there's this show on Twitch..." ------- [b]When:[/b] TONIGHT! Tuesday, February 11th at 7:00 pm PST (10:00 pm EST) [b]Where:[/b] (or [b]Guests:[/b] [url=]roland[/url] (Guardian Radio) [url=]DestinyAuthor[/url] (Destiny Dispatch) How will story be conveyed in Destiny? How does canon work in a shared-world shooter? What if the phones... rang? Tune in if you want [b]all[/b] the facts on Bungie's new game. (You'll only get speculation, but tune in anyways!) ------- [b]Frequently Unanswered Questions[/b] Q: Should I bring popcorn to the preshow that starts at 6:45 PST? Q: Is it strange that I often browse [url=]the dboTV archive page[/url] late at night while [url=]the DBO YouTube channel[/url] endlessly loops on my mobile device? Q: Does the fun banter in the chat really justify the cost of a free [url=][/url] account? Q: I'm Ron Burgundy?

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