Honestly, that kid completely rustles my jimmies. He can't speak properly and spreads COMPLETELY false and idiotic rumors and speculation that he alone made up. He's a total sellout. And it's apparent that lolReach was his first Halo game, and that he desperately, being a 343tard, wants perks, AA's, and sprint in the next game. He also wants all the retarded Halo Legends vehicles in there too to replace the classics ones.
God, I can't express my hatred for him enough in words.
Rawr i'm Halofollower Now i'm going to show you guys a 2.57second clip which will reveal 10 million theories about halo 5 But before that I'm going to tell you that I fap to pics of Cortana OH AND DON'T FORGET, DO THIS FREE MONEY THING SO YOU (I) GET MONEY BY DOING NOTHING BECAUSE I'M TOO LAZY TO GET A JOB harra haraa harraaa Halo follower rawr I agree with everything you said by the way. He states random ideas while not thinking about hte consequences and bad things it will do to halo. He doesn't even think about them, not even for a single second! GUYZ LETZ DO ASSASSINS CREED AND HALO AND PUT THEM 2GETHOR THEN, WAIT 4 IT THEN FUK, YE 5000 VS 5000 PEOPLZ! He doesn't realize that the ideas he suggests are bad. I remember a video where it was about why Halo 4's population and Spartan ops were doing so bad. He just couldn't admit Halo 4 was a bad game and it was clear that he was being a 343tard "What if Halo 4 was just a good game and not too good of a Halo game, what if it was a good Halo game but not as good as past ones, Halo 4 was excellent but what if it was JUST A GOOD GAME and that may be why the population is soo low...er I mean not doing too well."