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Edited by Hylebos: 10/27/2013 3:35:08 PM
[quote][url=]12) Destiny: Asaru by Ryan Demita[/url][/quote] Again, there's no guarantee that any of this concept art will make it into a Destiny game ever, but this appears to be a new enemy creature or faction onto itself. The concept art featured a bipedial armored creature beneath the words "ASARU" in red. It's not clear if it is a singular entity or if there is more of them. His armor is a sort of monotone blanched grey, with spikes poking out sparsely around the arms. His lower body wasn't nearly as detailed as his helmet, which was clearly the focus of the piece. The helmet had three horns, two swept back in the back like ears, and one thicker rounded one that came out of the front. The Asaru had no eyes, but he did have a mouth piece, the helmet sorta twisted around into jagged pieces that formed what seemed like a metal toothy maw, big teeth, it looked really sick and my words do not do it justice. Metal isn't quite a good word for it, because the armor almost seemed organic and almost clay like in places. The most interesting part about the Asaru besides their helmet is the massive amounts of white-blue pipes that extend from his back and sides, which contrasted with his armor in both color and form. I talked very briefly with Ryan about the artwork, and he said that the Asaru was hooked up to a machine (which I presume is keeping it alive), and also I believe he said it was a pilot (the Asaru was not armed with any weapons, but then again concept art that is focusing on form wouldn't want weapons to confuse things). [quote][url=]13) Destiny: Dark Embers by Frank Capezzuto[/url][/quote] This was concept art for what was labeled as "Hive Sticklight V2", it's not clear if it was a grenade or a melee weapon or a torch, but it looked like it could knock someone out for sure. Imagine a cross between a crystaline torch and a Spike Grenade, but more gothic and mace like. One end had a rounded spike, the other end had these yellow crystals that eminated light, surrounded by a cradle of black gothic blades, like some sort of mace. [quote][url=]14) Destiny: Twins by Frank Capezzuto[/url][/quote] More Destiny weapon concept art, this one showed twin snipers that were largely the same save for a few shapes and their colorization: one was jet black with red markings, the other was white with red stripes. No obvious faction or manufacturing logos, and I don't know enough gun terminology to describe their form or attachments, sorry :( [quote][url=]15) Destiny: Fireteam by Kekai Kotaki[/url][/quote] This is the Fireteam Concept Art that's been on since release, it depicts a fireteam with each class represented fighting against the Hive. [quote][url=]16) Destiny: Exo by Jaime Jones[/url][/quote] This is the postcard for the Exo that we saw in the GDC presentation. My brother bought a print of this, it's very nice, I'm very curious to see how the Exo turn out because they could end up being REALLY cool. [quote][url=]17) Destiny: First Light by Dorje Bellbrook[/url][/quote] This is concept art of the Moonbase that was recently featured in the Weekly Update's focus that part of the world of Destiny. [quote][url=]18) Destiny: Cosmodrome by Jesse Van Dijk[/url][/quote] This is concept art of the outside of the Wall in old russia, you can see the same shuttle towers in the background as you do in the E3 Demo, and they have all the rusted and broken down cars, but they are somewhat overgrown with grass. It's interesting to see how it transitioned to the E3 Demo, it looks a bit different in the more recent version. [quote][url=]19) Destiny: Price for a Fallen God by Dorje Bellbrook[/url][/quote] This is an early concept art for the Last City on Earth from the GDC presentation, back when they were trying to theme it as a space station. It's slightly recolored in the version hanging in the gallery, the core is green instead of yellow. [quote][url=]20) Destiny: Dark Patrol by Kekai Kotaki[/url][/quote] This is more concept art we've seen since the reveal of Destiny. I've always loved it because there are details there that many people don't think about, like "why are there both cabal and fallen", "why are they glowing green inwardly, have no weapons, have decaying smoke and all of that mysterious jazz". Bungie loves hiding stuff in plain sight it seems, the jerks. [quote][url=]21) Destiny: Pit of Chains by Jaime Jones[/url][/quote] More concept art that we've seen thanks to the most recent Weekly Update, detailing a battle with Phogoth. I made an amusing joke to Isaac Hannaford about how we could tell how early this was in Destiny's development by comparing the number of wolves on the Gjallerhorn (or however it's spelled) to the number of wolves on the most recent in game version we've seen, he seemed to like that approach. [quote][url=]22) Destiny: Clovis Bray Signage by Joe Cross[/url][/quote] This concept art detailed signage that would appear around Clovis Bray Exoscience, apparently a company in the Destiny Universe. The signage had a bunch of warning symbols, reference to differently numbered bays, and a warning sign for a restricted area for high radiation. On the sign for the high radiation though I noticed three dates that you would never have seen unless you were looking at the picture in person. They are: 07/05/3021, 4/10/3025, and 09/02/3309. Below each date is a bunch of random measurements in mg / L, probably doses of some chemical or something pertaining to the radiation? The dates are definitely more interesting, and were the sort of thing I was hoping to gleem from this experience, it's by no means an official "THIS IS WHEN DESTINY TAKES PLACE" style confirmation, but it gives us a general idea of when Destiny might be set, which is better than nothing :D [quote][url=]23) Destiny: The Crypt by Darren Bacon[/url][/quote] This is more concept art of Hive Architecture. Isaac was explaining to me that this wasn't so much to flesh out the artistic direction and style of the hive because they had already figured out the architecture, but more so to see how things come together and fit together. There was more of the yellow crystal stuff that was seen on the Hive Sticklight that was lighting the room, and the wall was covered with these circular rivet holes that seemed perfect for climbing on. Everything was worn, there were round spots everywhere showing the wear of the area. [quote][url=]24) Destiny: Moonbase by Dorje Bellbrook[/url][/quote] This is Concept Art of the Moonbase and one of the first pieces made of that space. Everything is heavily modularized, and you can see some of the designs and shapes reused in the Ishtar Sink (number 33). [quote][url=]25) Destiny: Exclusion Zone by Isaac Hannaford[/url][/quote] This is artwork of a Cabal standing on Mars in front of a landed Cabal Dropship. The Cabal is wielding the standard Cabal style bulky short Rifle we've seen them wield, though this one has a scope and a bayonette attached to it. The dropship is rather bulky with lots of armor but minimal weapons. There's a Cabal symbol on the side of the Dropship that appeared in #28 Command as well, suggesting that they belong to the same subfaction of Cabal.

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  • I don't think that is a new race looks like personal work. To me

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  • It's not personal work, it's definitely labeled "Destiny: Asaru". Whether or not it will be in the final game has yet to be seen, but it's definitely not one of the non-Destiny works.

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  • Ahhh ok. Well then it could be fifth race or a new hive

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  • Doesn't match the rest of the hive aside from color in my opinion.

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  • True but we have seen the wizards. They are armored. The hive are the dark army

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  • Amazing! Thanks for being my eyes, Hylebos.

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  • Really like the new artworks. Thank you for sharing this. :)

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  • Amazing thread Hylebos!

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  • I'm the brother who bought the EXO print. This original internet image got me so into the EXO race, it spoke to my soul and just set the whole tone for what I envision my character is going to be like. The image linked is cropped compared to the print; there are shell casings all over the floor as well as more blood splatter. Whatever crap he just dealt with, whatever foe he just slaughtered, I get the feeling he's just looking at it right now, soaking it in, contemplating his path in life, his "Destiny". And the eyes, oh boy, the blue piercing eyes. Most definitely the "Ghost in the Machine". It was a masterful concept art which further demonstrates how Bungies development process leads to great game innovation.

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  • Edited by Hylebos: 10/27/2013 3:42:55 PM
    [quote][url=]26) Destiny: Last Stand by Dorje Bellbrook[/url][/quote] This is one of my favorite pieces of the exhibit. This picture depicts two Guardians exploring a craggy and sandy Martian Landscape, and they have discovered a giant ancient metal hand sticking out from beneath the sand. The hand is well worn, there's cables and such hanging off of it and bits of metal plate scattered all around, but the pose of the hand is the most interesting part of the artifact. The hand tells a story of an epic battle that occured in this area, and the final moments of whatever armored giant fought in that battle as it reached out towards the fading light in almost longing sadness. This concept art does a great job bringing up questions like "So was this fighting on our side or the other guy's side, or does this predate humanity entirely?" Personally I figured that since it has five digits it's more likely to be Human made than anything else, but when I talked to Dorje to get more info, even he didn't know the full story of the hand, a common theme shared between many of the pieces in the Gallery. That's really the exciting part about Game Design and world building, is that you can generate little snapshot moments like these where you can hook story and lore onto it at the drop of a hat, be it in the very first Destiny game or ten years down the line, or maybe never at all! But it just does such a good job of making the player ask "what the hell happened here?"... it's mysteries like this that will bring Destiny to life and will fuel speculation long after the games are released. [quote][url=]27) Destiny: Fallen Incursion by Adrian Majkrzak[/url][/quote] This picture shows us a look at the Fallen Dropship from the E3 Demo. It's engines crackle with purple energy, it's jet black (unlike the E3 Demo) and very insect-like with the multifaceted viewing holes and the bulbous shapes and such. [quote][url=]28) Destiny: Command by Adrian Majkrzak[/url][/quote] This concept art shows us the inner look of a Cabal Command Center. The room is dark, lit only by a orange holographic projection above a table in the center of the room. The hologram shows Mars split up into triangular sectors that pop outwards for closer examination like a puzzle. One of the triangles is highlighted as though there is an alert going on in that region. Cabal stand around the room, heavily armed to the teeth, and on the wall is the same symbol that was on the Cabal Dropship from the Exclusion Zone piece. [quote][url=]29) Berkey Tribute by Jaime Jones[/url][/quote] This non-Destiny Artwork shows us some kind of futuristic and abstract spaceship. It has plenty of rounded edges, but the overall silhouette is very triangular shaped. There are plenty of viewing ports and the ship itself has landed in a larger spaceport, there's a walkway taking you to the entrance port on the ship. Somewhat made me think of Star Trek shuttles. [quote][url=]30) Destiny: Last Voyage by Jesse Van Dijk[/url][/quote] This was definitely one of my Brother's favorite pieces (and mine), and he got very involved with pointing out details that I had missed in my initial sweep of the picture. This is a scene from the Cosmodrome in Old Russia, closer to one of the shuttle towers that we could see in the background of the E3 Demo. We're inside of some sort of shuttle bay where they would store and load and operate on shuttles before they moved them out to launch on the tower, but everything is in horrific disrepair. There are massive rusted gears on the ground, huge thick chains hang all spindly from the sides, there are broken and destroyed robotic arms, the platforms are falling apart... even the entire room is drawn in a way that makes you feel like the entire place is lopsided and about to collapse under its own weight. In the back towers an arrowhead shaped shuttle, still locked into the little arms that hold it upright before it launches. On the side of the shuttle reads "PKKC". My brother pointed out a few things, for one he noticed that the design of the arms that held the shuttle is very Russian, they always have those four prongs that fall outwards when the rocket takes off, and he also pointed that the snow that was covering everything was very light, you would expect it to be more heavy if this area was as exposed to the sky as it was, which suggests that the roof was recently opened by the player or something? It's absolutely beautiful and colorful, you just want to jump in the frame and start sorting through the piles of rubbish, Jesse Van Dijk knows his stuff. [quote][url=]31) Destiny: Relic by Jaime Jones[/url][/quote] This is Concept Art from the GDC Presentation, it shows a graveyard of abandoned and skeletalized airplanes. One detail that I noticed was that some of the airplanes had propellors on them, which suggests that they are quite old compared to a lot of the other technology we've seen in Destiny like the colony ships of Old Russia.[quote][url=]32) Destiny: The Sanctum by Frank Capezzuto[/url][/quote] This is definitely one of my favorite pieces of the exhibit because it stood in stark contrast to everything else that had come before it. Many of the concepts we saw explored outside of the city, but it was very clear that this was concept art of a Warlock's Laboratory inside of the city. And how gloriously arcane and intriguing it was! This study room had everything a scientist / wizard would need to study. There was a bowl that had swirling fire magic in the center. There were a bookshelf of books on the wall, upon which sat a model of the traveler. In the back of the room it looked like there was a huge stack of servers. There was a very curious looking machine on the left, tons of hanging torches, a writing desk with plenty of lamps, miniature models here and there, lab equipment... there was so much detail and it really felt like sorcery was afoot! My favorite detail of all though was the golden pentagram etched into the center of the room. In the very center of the intricate and mathmatical swirling marks was the New Monarchy symbol, a detail I pointed out to many people who passed by (including a bemused Bungie Employee). The last city on earth certainly seems like it will have its own share of wonders. [quote][url=]33) Destiny: The Ishtar Sink by Darren Bacon[/url][/quote] The final piece of the exhibit takes place on Venus, and shows a human settlement that has been completely overgrown by lush Venus Swamps / Jungle. The building themselves are the same compartmentalized modules we've seen on the moon base, but you can hardly see them beneath the vegetation. Water is pooled everywhere, the picture itself uses a lot of simplistic colors but it is really profound. You can see details like a cran sinking halfway into the swamp, or construction mesh / netteing stretched out over some areas, buldging up beneat the roots and the terrain that's changed. It's raining, and it feels completely abandoned, it's great. [quote][b]Photographer Credit:[/b] / [url=]GDC Presentation Panel[/url]: 3, 7, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 31 [url=]r3my[/url]: 12, 26, 30, 32 [url=]Beorn[/url]: 2, 4, 5, 8, 12, 14, 22, 26 [url=]LTD Art Gallery[/url]: 1, 6, 9, 11, 13, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 33 [/quote] [quote]Thank you for reading my massive wall of information! To return to the original post to Like / Comment / Ask Questions, [url=]PLEASE CLICK HERE[/url].[/quote]

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  • My favourite thread.

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  • there will be all artworks or just some?

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  • What do you mean?

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  • are you going to post all the artworks?

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  • Edited by Hylebos: 10/25/2013 6:08:17 PM
    Ah, I'm currently posting my notes on the artwork, I didn't personally take any pictures, my brother snapped a few cellphone shots of the ones he personally liked, but there were members of the community that were taking high quality photos of everything so I figure that once they post their stuff that I would just link them in and credit them for their work.

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  • i understand. Thank you for you work. Is there something really "Leaked"? A new enemy, new location etc? (other than Asaru)

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  • Considering this is an art gallery put on by Bungie nothing really could be considered leaked. From His post I think the Asaru was the one (possibly) significant piece that was there. That's my take though.

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  • It definitely was the most "newsworthy" piece, but all of them were really interesting and there were plenty of details sprinkled here and there.

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  • As it seems. I really enjoyed all of the summaries, thanks so much for taking the time to put this together. Being a Canadian I sadly won't get a 'hands-on' experience with Bungie, and this is the closest I'll get. I do enjoy the detail that you've gone into, as with the detail that Bungie is going into with this game. Things like the emerging hand which add backstory. In all honesty this reminds me of the Star Wars original trilogy, the level of mystery and awe, the unknown, it is all reminiscent of that.

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  • Edited by Coup de Grace: 10/25/2013 7:05:04 AM
    oh, this isn't the original post

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