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10/13/2013 11:40:25 PM

Are you a purist?

Let's talk about modding. Purist: You prefer vanilla games. How they ship is how they were meant to be played, and any modding ruins the integrity of the game. Modder: Games are meant to be tinkered with. Many games, such as Skyrim, ship with really powerful content-creation tools and to ignore them is to miss out on half the game. It would be an insult to the designers to [i]not[/i] mod a bear mount into the game, or make a gun that fires sharks in another. I used to be a purist, but now I tend to play the vanilla game then replay with mods. I played through two Borderlands 2 playthroughs before discovering Gibbed and CheatEngine, and the mods make it a really fun way to keep playing. So what are you?

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