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originally posted in: Destiny NEEDS an "M" rating
10/8/2013 12:55:14 AM
why? no conversation has ever been improved by the addition on the "F-bomb" as you refer to it. words are very temporary things, the basics will survive, the structure of the language will stay, but profanity and sayings will change over time. for instance: you are a filthy concubine. grody to the max! ugh, gag me with a spoon it's the bees knees the cats pajamas Thy vile canker-blossom'd countenance curdles milk and sours beer. you see? not one of them sounded to up to date. why on earth would 800 years in the future would the be using the same curses we do now? we can't even keep our sayings from decade to decade, or for that matter month to month. YOLO sorry just making a point. but blood, yes lots of blood, MOAR BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! now if you'll excuse me I need to wash out my mouth with soap.

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