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8/2/2013 9:26:09 AM

The most severe injury you've received?

What is the most severe injury you've received in your life? Mine happened when I was a toddler, something or other ripped through the lower part of my mouth and my mother had to sew it up. Now I have two nifty lil' scars on my bottom lip :D What severe physical (or even mental) injuries have you attained in your life! I'd really love to know!

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  • I'll have you know I stubbed my toe last week when watering my spice garden, and I only cried for 20 minutes.

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    • Breaking my foot or running full speed into a wall with my dick hard to make my boner go away.

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      • Stabbed in the left kidney. Shot in the stomach. Broken arm from blocking a pipe. Massive concussion from being hit in the head with a beer bottle. Car crash that broke almost all of my ribs, caused severe whiplash trauma and broke my left arm and by left leg. Two of these are true.

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        • Edited by Saleem: 8/3/2013 7:31:49 AM
          I tripped while wading in a creek and banged my knee against a sharp rock. I left with a little hole in my knee. Nothing serious though. That's what band-aids are for.

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          • I haven't had anything severe. A sibling pushed me off a trampoline onto a rock when when I was little, and I still have the scar on me knee. A couple solder burns that scarred. Oh, and there was this one time I owed a guy a lot of money, but "fortunately" he was a sadist, so he let me pay him back by letting him go to town on my stomach with a mallet. Didn't actually damage anything though.

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            • I was having hernia surgery and I wasn't out yet from the sleeping crap and they started to make the incision. Felt like I was on fire and of course you wonder at that time if you are gonna be awake during the whole thing but instead I was out shortly thereafter.

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              • Nearly shattered my jaw while skiing. Was going down a hill, turned, and my pole caught me in the side of the face. I had a gash down to the bone, and when I got up I saw the pole was bowed out when before it had been straight. In flag football I tripped, slammed my head into somebody's shoulder and gouged out part of my lower lip with my front teeth. And I've been in and out of the ER lately for extreme, unexplained pain in my side

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                • When I was in 2nd grade I was climbing these little bar things that were covered up for a reason at a Chic-Fil-A play area and my fingers slipped and I partially tore a little bit of my achilles from the fall.

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                  • Worst injury I've ever had was a mild case of road rash and large amounts of bruising down my left side from meeting pavement at around 35 mph after loosing it on my longboard. I only slid for a split second before I could make myself roll with it, but that split second removed quite a bit of skin.

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                    • Paper cut. [i]In between my fingers.[/i] Nah, just kidding. I got stabbed in the back of my left leg when I was 13. My brother and I were tossing a football with some buddies of ours and I somehow fell backwards and landed on some metal rod sticking out of the ground. Hurt like a mother-blam!-er.

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                    • Have you ever had your penis caught in a window?

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                      • split the back of my skull open when I was 4. Had the bright idea to prop one of those fisher-price plastic rocking horses against an elevated side walk in order to achieve maximum air time. flipped the thing backwards and hit my head on the sidewalk. had to get stitches, still have a bald spot. Runner up: Easter at the relatives house in texas during 5th grade, Everyone was cracking confetti eggs on each other's head. Someone was coming after me, and I was backing away when I tripped on a large roll of barbed wire(probably not the best thing to have laying around with a bunch of kids running around everywhere). Sliced my calf open from my ankle to an inch or so below the knee. Still have a large scar down my leg. (side note: while I was recovering[leg still gushing out blood into the gauss wrap and bandaid], my older brother decked me in the face because I told him to stop stealing my easter candy(he had already eaten his) and gave me a black eye.) Also, shortly after, my leg had an allergic reaction to the bandage tape used on my leg, so I was left with a few lesions on the rest of my leg. Honorable mention: Not technically an injury, but I did have to get marrow work done in highschool. The hole left in the back of my hip stayed open for 2 weeks, and I had trouble sitting for 2 months.

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                        • Toy airplane jet accidentally shoved up under my eyeball, no permanent damage done, walked away without any loss to my sight. The only thing that happened was that I fainted when it happened. I was 7.

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                          • Edited by Edmi Wohusee: 8/3/2013 4:56:56 AM
                            One time I busted my head open and had to get fourteen staples on my scalp. Come to think of it, that explains a lo-... Shoot, forgot what I was gonna say.

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                            3 Replies
                            • I remember once that I had a back injury from playing soccer aggressively. The other downside was I couldn't do any heavy lifting for a few weeks, so I had to sit when I wanted to urinate as well.

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                            • I get beat to a pulp by an iron rod and bitten by dog shortly afterwards. Then left to bleed on sidewalk. All becuase someone wanted my bike.

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                            • When i was 4 i got flung off a trampoline and hit my head on abunch of bricks, cracked my skull open.

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                              • Edited by Niedopałek: 8/3/2013 12:41:03 AM
                                I've never gotten any serious injuries, not even a broken bone. But I did get one of my teeth prematurely knocked out while playing flag football when I was around 7 or 8. And I chipped a tooth in a biking accident when I was 12.

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                                • When I was little I was on the counter reaching for a plate and I grabbed it, jumped down, but didn't realize that a cabinet was open and got a giant cut on my kneecap.

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                                  • When I was very young my brother punched a tooth out. It was one of my baby teeth so it doesn't really matter.

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                                  • fractured my arm when I was like 8, fell from a playground structure

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                                    • Smash my head open. Nearly had my appendix burst and had open surgery and survived. Not keyhole surgery, no, [I]open[/I] surgery. Awww yeeeaahhh!

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                                    • Edited by RXZero: 8/3/2013 12:50:41 AM
                                      Broke my middle finger playing soccer. I was gonna score but the defender came behind me and tripped me and I fell on my middle finger. It bended backwards all the way. But the joke was on him because I did score :D

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                                    • Aside from internal stuff, broken ankle. No doctor, no pain pills. Awful.

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                                      • Nearly cut me left foot of at the ankle. The glass sliced about half way through the muscle and flesh and missed a major artery by around half an inch.

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                                        • In terms of accidental injury, I have no idea. Besides that though, I donated some bone marrow years and years ago because doctors found out I could donate it for one of my younger brothers, who needed it to cure a [i]very[/i] rare disease both my younger brothers had. Anyways, two foot-long, steel needles, into the back of my hip. Although I had anesthesia, I was sore and couldn't do any hard work for a couple weeks afterwards.

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