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7/30/2013 2:30:24 AM

People need to understand that Guns != Danger

So I was in the supermarket getting some stuff. As usual openly carrying my [url=]XDS[/url] Went to go stand in line, few seconds later some other guy joins me in line. A few more seconds later, he evidently notices I am carrying. "Woah!" he said as he took a step back. As if there was suddenly danger present. "You are fully loaded aren't you" "What do you do?" He asked me this as if I must have been some off duty police officer or something. "I am just a citizen" I said. "You don't see that everyday" he said. I sort of shrugged and said "Yeah, I guess" People these days have the situation awareness of an upside down turtle with dementia. I'm standing there in line, basket of groceries in hand, wearing jeans /w a nice tucked-in polo shirt and sandals. THREAT LEVEL TRIPLE BLACK DIAMOND RIGHT? No. This is why I carry openly ( usually ) People need to understand that despite recently shootings, guns are all around you in the hands of normal, and safe citizens. And that seeing a gun != danger

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  • IIT: natural selection put to the test.

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    3 Replies
    • I feel MORE safe when I see a citizen carrying. No shit's gonna be going down while I'm near him/her.

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    • Edited by Recon Number 54: 8/1/2013 5:29:32 PM
      That unpredictable reaction (usually one of "whoa dude, what are you thinking?") is among my main reasons for carrying concealed. I understand and accept that others want to (and in many locales it is perfectly legal and acceptable) to openly carry, it's just not something that I do often. I will and have open carried in situations where it is appropriate and makes sense (to me) such as on the range, hiking, fishing, and gun shows (some examples), but for the most part, my sidearm is (to me) a private matter and akin to my underwear (and what's in it). It's no one's concern, no one's business, and I choose who sees my underwear, its contents, or my firearm. The need to see them is determined by me and they are only coming out if there is a need for them to. The photo above is (to me) a good example, even if it is fictional. All of the people in the photo (except the woman on the left) are armed. Each is armed and carries in a manner that suits their character and their character's view/use of their sidearm. I am not alarmed by those who are visible, but if you were to ask me, the young man on the right with a revolver in a holster almost at his belt-buckle? He WANTS people to see that. He may even feel it is necessary that people see it and understand that he is armed. Why? I don't know. I look at his carry choice and I come to the conclusion that he has chosen a revolver because he feels less confident with an autoloader, he wears it in a manner that does not conceal it, nor does it offer him any tactical advantage. His method of carry is open for someone else to grab/obtain his sidearm (poor retainment) and it is not positioned in a manner that allows him to easily or quickly draw or present it for use. I come to the conclusion that his method of carry is more about his ego and insecurity and even some discomfort with carrying a weapon. The fact that he's almost made it a "look at my crotch" eye-magnet? Well, something is going on there. The people who have their sidearms in high-hip but open? They appear to give them impression that they will not hesitate to draw and are confident/capable if and when they do so. Those who you can't see? Well, because you can't see, you can't attempt to deduce anything about them. They blend, they don't draw attention to themselves or their abilities. They could be confident/competent, they could be just a mom/dad waiting to pick up their kids from school or someone at the mall. Whew, did I get long winded or what? Anyway. The sight of a firearm doesn't alarm or shock me. But if I do see one, then I am going to form opinions on and about that individual based on my assessment of their weapon and method of carry (as well as how they act and compose themselves). If I don't see a firearm, I have no data with which to form such opinions and I personally like being that sort of person in the eyes of others. I don't want/need the additional attention or scrutiny. Just let me be, let me get on with what I am doing, and you will never know, care or need to know whether or not I have a lethal weapon on my person. PS: the guy in the middle? Carries X2. Full sized Glock strongside IWB and a subcompact Glock in an ankle rig. Can YOU tell which side?

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      7 Replies
      • I love the XD series.

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      • A gun is a weapon. Weapons are deadly. Why was that guy in the wrong? Why do you feel the need to take a gun to a supermarket? America must be really shit if you can't go shopping without the fear of getting shot.

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        2 Replies
        • You do realize guns have one purpose right? I mean if I saw something that could end me in the blink of an eye I'd be nervous also. Terrorists aren't always obvious looking guys you know. I don't think that guy was an idiot for acting the way he did and you do realize that you are upsetting people by openly carrying your weapons. You know people don't and won't understand so you just have more responsibility.

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        • People need to understand that guns are nothing but devices made to kill.

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          2 Replies
          • I just conceal carry. People are just so jumpy these days and sorta assume that if you have a gun, and are not a cop. Then you must be up to something. I carry my Glock 26 in my shorts which are loose and with a bigger shirt. Only once has somebody seen it!

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            4 Replies
            • Jeans with sandals? I was not aware that was a thing.

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              • Edited by Logfish111: 8/2/2013 1:10:07 PM
                Lol. Gun lovers like to say that they have guns for their own protection, but in reality they just have small dicks.

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                5 Replies
                • His reaction to the gun

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                  1 Reply
                  • What is " != " even supposed to mean? The first thing that comes to mind is that it signifies that guns are a danger, but based on the contents of your OP, it's obviously different.

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                    1 Reply
                    • [quote]I'm standing there in line, basket of groceries in hand, wearing jeans /w a nice tucked-in polo shirt and sandals. THREAT LEVEL TRIPLE BLACK DIAMOND RIGHT? No. [/quote]But if someone was wearing a hoodie it would be a completely different story, right? A person's threat level is dependent upon what clothes they are wearing?

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                      1 Reply
                      • Guns = Fun

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                      • Never understood the whole gun culture thing, I don't think I've seen someone carrying a firearm in over three years - including police officers.

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                        5 Replies
                        • Guns are not dangerous people are dangerous with guns. If I put a gun on a table and tell it to kill it would do nothing. If I give a gun to a psychotic person and say kill some will probably get shot or killed.

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                          24 Replies
                          • [quote]I'm standing there in line, basket of groceries in hand, wearing jeans /w a nice tucked-in polo shirt and sandals. [/quote] There's your problem.

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                          • Love the XD series My buddy and I both carry XDM's all the time.

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                          • Yeah, seeing a citizen carrying a gun is uncommon so the guy who reacts to it cautiously is at fault. Perfect logic.

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                          • [quote]People these days have the situation awareness of an upside down turtle with dementia.[/quote] Yes, because no one would think about the potential situation when they see somebody with a gun, who isn't military or Police.

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                          • A weapon designed to kill/destroy is not dangerous?

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                            92 Replies
                            • A little rationality and education goes a long way....

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                            • Yeap that would be called weapon focus.

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                            • It doesn't matter what you're wearing. What matters is that you're walking around with a loaded handgun. Also, it's "=/=", not "!=".

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                              3 Replies
                              • The wielder is the danger, not the weapon. That doesn't make a gun harmless but rather a tool that should be used wisely. Alone it is harmless but even the mere sight of it is powerful. I understand where you're coming from but since strangers don't know you they can't feel safe around you. It's not entirely your fault but you aren't entirely free of blame either. You, and the public for that matter, gain little from you openly carrying a weapon. Nonetheless, it isn't my place to tell you what to do.

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                              • [quote]wearing jeans /w a nice tucked-in polo shirt and sandals.[/quote]eww...

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