[quote]12/23/2014 Edit:[b] [u]This thread was made before Destiny was released. [/u][/b]We didn't know how things were going to be yet![/quote]
There's a certain type of response that I'm expecting for this thread (immature and full of boob jokes), and then there's a certain kind of response I'm looking for (responsible conversation). I'm not telling either of you types of posters to leave. It's okay.
I would like to talk about breasts. Specifically, armored breasts. I don't want Destiny to go down a dark path of poor anatomy.
Allow me to say that the more unbalanced the ratio of female to male artists there are on a project, the higher the likelihood of us seeing game armor like [url=http://pds22.egloos.com/pmf/201101/18/68/e0072368_4d34afdf54228.jpg]this[/url]. It's annoying enough to have two melons on your chest, but when they're held up by gravity-defying pieces or metal, that's painful. Bras filled with cushioning and breathable material can still be painful. Imagine chicken wire holding up your moobs.
But that's an over-the-top fantasy MMO, not a space opera. So let's pick a space opera. [url=http://loschaos.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Mass-Effect-Ash-and-Shepard.jpg]Why does the world of Mass Effect require lady lumps on armor?[/url] Why are those emphasized boob pieces necessary in a game that made some huge strides in female representation in games? Do sports bras not exist there? Can we top that off with the idea of a blunt object going towards someone's chest? [url=http://media.tumblr.com/74cddede528b5731359fcfec48885cbd/tumblr_inline_mgc3zjXIsW1rnp9q5.png]Lady lump armor will make things slide into the -blam!-ing sternum[/url]. You know, the bone right in front of a shit ton of vital organs.
So what's the solution for this problem?
1. Cut a hole in the box.
2. Make sure your artists/modelers are well versed in proper female anatomy.
3. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag4C0MFRnmE]Buy a sports bra[/url].
4. Take the awesome male armor you had before and put a woman in it. Don't get me wrong! People come in all shapes and sizes. Breastplates will sometimes need to be a bit bigger for some people and some people will need slimmer sets of power armor. Sometimes people wear form-fitting armor, but that still doesn't excuse outlining the breasts on the armor. [url=http://shop.nordstrom.com/S/yummie-tummie-joelle-shaping-tank/3218774?origin=related-3218774-0-0-1-1-Rich%20Relevence]Even casual form-fitting clothes do not work that way.[/url] What you get is the "uniboob."
[b]Wanting armor that caters to the female anatomy doesn't justify overcompensating for the female anatomy.[/b] Armored breasts do not need to be [url=http://www.wethegamerz.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/me3duo.jpg]lifted and separated when one encapsulated piece suffices in the first place[/url].
You think I'm kidding? I'm -blam!-ing serious.
They did well with Reach and the female armor types. I see Destiny kinda following that look.