originally posted in:Destiny Friends
What game are you currently playing and you plan on playing in order to keep you busy before destiny is released?
Lots of League of Legends, slowly working through my game backlog of various titles.
Halo 4, Borderlands 2, Terraria. I also am playing AC2 because, sadly I hadn't played it before and its free now so why not. Also Spartacus Legends because that too is free. But it kind of sucks but it will probably keep me entertained for a while.
Halo: Reach
Try going outside...You will find water parks and such. Go to the movies...Go out to eat or something! Oh wait...I fogot that we gamerz are lazy as -blam!-! LOL. Well but not me...I am so exited for Destiny that I can't stop posting on this forum everyday. I stay on this forum more than I get on the PS3 now. LOL!
Edited by Moses A Rose: 7/19/2013 2:02:18 PMAs of now I'm playing The Last of Us multiplayer with 3 of my buds. Not really a big fan of any of those games you listed above. Well, other than Bethesda: Elder Scrolls and Fallout.
I played Halo 4 for a bit until I realised just how abysmally poor it was. I switched back to Reach to find a healthy community still playing, so that's my current gaming occupation.
Currently playing BF3, anxiously awaiting the PS4!
I am playing a good solid mix of games right now. Currently replaying the campaigns of the old Halo titles (on Halo 3 atm, finished Halo 2 last night), also currently playing Minecraft survival and Battlefield 3 multiplayer. Truth be told its all kinda boring but thats gaming for ya in the summer time. This fall and winter things will most certainly get exciting again with the new consoles and upcoming titles. Man I get excited thinking about this upcoming gaming season. A new console (entirely new, jumping ship to PS4 for the beginning of this next gen, notice I said beginning), new Call of Duty series, new Battlefield title, Killzone, Knack... it will certainly keep me busy till Destiny finally releases.
bf4 and eso.
I'm playing a few, but my latest fascination lies with Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.
[url=http://www.quakelive.com/]Quake Live[/url]! We just got a new premium pack to play with (:-- )
Mainly halo reach, waiting for 3 and destiny. When I'm not on reach I'm playing ac3.
dishonored is a really underappreciated game .
Mario tennis, sold my Xbox for a ps4 a while ago
Going to pick up Borderlands 2 on payday, so I can see what all the hoopla is about.
i'm just playing some dead space 3 with the curtain's dawn and the lights off
Well aside from Warframe, I also play Wizardry Online.
Uncharted :)
The Last of Us right now.
Dark Souls, Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (for nostalgia purposes), Battleblock Theater, Halo 4, various iOS games. In order of most played. Looking at buying the old KOTOR 2 though, loved the first and I never beat the second
Reus and FTL.
Minecraft,bf3,and halo 4
also playing Endwar, Borderlands 2, and Bladestorm.
I frequently switch between any halo title and Battlefield!
Minecraft, Reach, and H4