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originally posted in: In Defense of Everything You Hate
6/8/2013 5:06:50 AM
[quote]Why are you complaining about "always-online"? You're online playing with friends all the time anyway. It's not going to inconvenience or affect your life in any way that it isn't already.[/quote] This is the point where you're wrong. On used games I agree with you. But always online has been rather disaterous for other titles in the past (Diablo 3, Sim City) when the servers can't handle the intial launch stresses and people can't play the game they paid for. And MS hasn't really proven themselves reliable in being able to get enough servers to handle loads.

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  • I highly doubt Microsoft servers will not be able to handle the load. The servers are not game-specific and thus wont have huge peaks during launches, since players will take out their CoD disk and put in their Destiny disk, which doesn't increase the stress on the servers. On top of that I read somehwere Microsoft is upping the servers to 500.000 (from 100.000 I believe). How often is xbox live down? I think it is less than 0.01% of the time. IF and only IF the entire xbox live system goes, THEN the "always-online" sytems will fail. Which to me is... never. You can't compare this system to Diablo/Sim City servers because those servers had their first stress-test on the launch day.

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