So, which apple is better in flavor for you?
IMO, green is just so much better tasting. Red is eghh.
tfw both green and red apple trees in my yard
Green apples are god-damn awful. You chumps should take a razor to your tastebuds.
I like apples that are mixed in color, orange/red/yellow, like Gala apples. Gala apples are DELICIOUS
Red is sweet
Grey Apple
I kinda like Spartan or Gala apples better but if I were to choose id pick green cause red is mushy and it has a weird texture.
There are so many kinds of red apples though...
Green. End of story.
There are a lot of shitty Apples out there, and most of them seem to be Red. Red Delicious Brand? More like Red Delicious BLAND. Green wins by default.
It'll be a cold day in hell before I see a straight-forward poll on this site.
Fukkkk apples. #OrangeMasterrace
Those apples that are a mix of yellow and red.
really ?!