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3/20/2013 8:17:00 PM

Destiny NEEDS an "M" rating

I know that often times, developers and gamers alike don't really care what the rating on a game is, but from what I've heard (all speculation of course), is that Bungie is aiming for a "T" rating for Destiny. If this is the case, which I hope it isn't, it will be a huge mistake. The story for what Destiny is claiming to be, cannot be done justice if Bungie doesn't allow for the grit, violence, language, etc that would come with that setting, it can't be believable. If the world is almost completely wiped out, and the human race is having to fight several other species in a last ditch effort to survive, you better bet that there will be "F bombs" dropped, there will be people being shot (meaning decent amounts of blood), etc. Bungie, please, don't let yourselves be held back by a rating in order to get more sales. Make this game an "M" rated game. Anything less would be simply uncompelling and unbelievable, and would really detract from the story and mood that would be present should this situation in this game ever really happen.

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  • Bungie please KIDS DON'T BELONG

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    11 Replies
    • The good thing about an M rating is that it will stop some 12 year olds from playing

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      18 Replies
      • Yea I don't think they'll include language. Only because they need lots of people to play this if it has cursing then lots of people wont play because of watching parents.

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      • Kids are gonna play M games no matter what. *cough* *cough* call if duty *cough*

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        • Yes, yes and more yes.

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        • I agree. Not so much as harsh language. I can do with out. But a few words here and there, would make help the realism of mankind struggling for survival and everyone has this, hard, war torn appeal about them. Blood, however, yes blood, not mountains of it where its just cheesy way to make the game 'tough' but enough that when my bullet hits the enemy, I know that shit hurt! And halo being Rated M, was astonishing, that game could've been E for everyone. There wasn't much gore and blue blood is well laughable. If that's gets an M, and this game gets a T, than we might be playing an open world cartoon. Where ppl act like this is the end, hence the word ACT. There will never be a foreboding evil that looms over the city, a feel of despair as you can hear the tanks pounding the walls with their mortar shells that have human skulls etched into them. No pain, or fear that the families depend on your strength otherwise they will be torn to pieces. Those that say otherwise on this thread don't really know how to make a good, immersive story. Because you cant have a good story, unless you have these elements which make the game. Of course you can spit all the dialogue of man kinds brink of destruction, but if you don't feel it in the atmosphere, than it will never, ever truly feel that every breath you take can be your last.

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          12 Replies
          • Yeah not buying it. I just started playing Warframe and its incredibly fun violent, and not a trace of any cuss word anywhere. It's still a good game. They don't need a "M" rating to have a good story.

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            7 Replies
            • The game gets the rating after its done... I doubt Bungie is going to compromise anything to achieve a rating that might bump their sales. I think it's a smart move.

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            • Hang on, you think in 700 years it's realistic to imagine people would use the same curse words? We barely even use the same words from 50 years ago. And it's not speculation, Bungie officially stated they want a 'teen' rating. In the Jason Jones interview he even talks about playing Destiny with his 5 year old son. We've seen gameplay and there's no over the top violence, in fact everything that's been shown has pointed to a 'teen' rating. And here's a source for what I said regarding the Jason Jones quotes and the 'teen' rating statement.

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              5 Replies
              • I guess it would be kind of bad... I mean, you really need to think about this. In some ways I like the M rating because it makes the people who play feel more prestige but a T-rating would open it up to everyone. Also, it would be less Halo-like. They're making this for next-gen consoles and well it would be kinda' if it was rated T BECAUSE there would be no blood. I mean it would suck if there wasn't. They make it for the next gen and they want to use that technology.

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              • Why the evil would they need to make my character cuss? We are controlling our character, it's a representation of ourselves. If I wanted I F-bombs then I would drop a few or have my friends do it for me.

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                1 Reply
                • Never heard that much cussing in Halo, why should I expect it in Destiny? You dont need cussing for anything to be great.

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                • How low is your intelligence level if you can't enjoy a story if no one swears for a while ?

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                  14 Replies
                  • Have you seen what Destiny looks like? The art style is more akin to a bright, colorful, [i]hopeful [/i]fairy tale. We're not dealing with dark gritty bloody Gears of War. Good stories are fueled by many different things, but blood and guts is not one of them. Also, people can get shot and die in any rating. Look at movies like Bambi and The Lion King, made for kids. Halo's level of violence was perfect for me. I don't need my characters screaming the F word to get the point across, because it can be articulated through other things.

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                  • Okay, seriously? Why would a game NEED an M-rating? If they made this game it would show that first person shooters don't need to be "F-bomb, blood and gore exploding everywhere, another F-bomb". If they focused on giving it a good story, it could be good either way. Yes, of course it's gonna have language. Soldiers aren't gonna get shot up with cussing before they die, but they don't have to spit out every swear word they know. Yes there's going to be blood, but you don't need fountains of it gushing in a pool around them. Trust me, a T rating would be better for a game like this!

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                    1 Reply
                    • There [i]doesn't[/i] need to be any "F bombs" in this game. Nor does it need to be rated M for a good story. There will be decent amounts of blood, but if you want tons of blood go play a game specifically for [i]that[/i]. Seriously, it won't be the end of the world if a good game is rated T. And there has been a lot of really good Teen-rated games.

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                      8 Replies
                      • I was expecting a rant about how a lot of popular games are filled with kids (CoD, I'm looking at you). But since those games are rated M anyway... On the point that you are making, Halo had a (sort-of) similar set up (minus the Traveler, etc.). Bungie never used the "F-Bomb", and never have. I found Halo to be very compelling, even without the large amounts of blood and gore in other first person shooters. Destiny does not "need" an M rating, because Bungie know what they are doing.

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                      • Yes when in the hive being eaten alive must be shown correctly almost like the resident evil death scenes. This will build the fear when you see your friend being grabbed and about to suffer a horrible death if you do not shoot the alien off. This will build the bond with you and your buddys in CO-OP

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                        1 Reply
                        • You're right. Besides an M rating never really stopped younger people anyway.

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                        • If a developer tries to force a rating, the content is going to suffer, regardless of who is developing. Bungie should just make the game they want to make, and let the software ratings boards decide what to give it. You don't need to use the F word to tell a compelling story, or build an interesting universe. Bungie isn't going for a gritty, grimdark atmosphere, like Gears of War. It's looking more like a classic space opera, like Star Wars. How many times do you hear the F word in the Star Wars films? The answer is zero, by the way.

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                        • Personally I don't think the cursing is necessary for Bungie to tell a compelling story, or the blood and gore. Sure the occasional curse word brings more emotion to a conversation, or the shot the wounds a hero and you see all the blood knowing that they won't survive. Whatever Bungie decides is probably going to be the best option anyway.

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                        • Why does there have to be a ton of violence and swearing call of duty has all that and that game is s,hit

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                        • I can't help but agree with an earlier comment by Euphorius "Swearing is a literary tool just like anything else. I think it's inclusion/exclusion would effect little to nothing of the content within the game. Also as I recall none of the Halo games used the "F" bomb. And if you're expecting graphic nudity/violence, I daresay you'll be disappointed. We here in the Bungie Community prefer "Carnage", which is like graphic violence, but with class. So to answer you: No. I don't think it NEEDS an M rating"

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                          10 Replies
                          • When you said it won't be believable, mystic science fiction, its not believable and thats what makes it so interesting.

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                          • Not really tons of T games are better than M games it all depends on development and gameplay

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                          • They can use the f word as long as its not like black ops 2 where they say it every other word.

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