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3/5/2013 5:00:46 AM

The ArmA III alpha is coming, are you ready?

[url=]Alpha[/url] You can pre-purchase the game now and get into the Alpha, the Beta, and the release game when it comes out. You even get 3 alpha invites for friends. Modding will be supported for the Alpha so we should see a release build for ACE III by the time ArmA III releases. So far the game is very, very impressive. [url=]Gear Customization[/url] [url=]Movement and Shooting[/url] Everything about ArmA III is an improvement of ArmA II. Better movement controls, ability to change attachments on the fly, driving physics, amazing lighting, and amazing clouds. I may be buying the game so I may have some extra invites. But we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

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