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Edited by AAAAAA: 2/21/2013 1:07:04 AM

The Xbox 720 will blow, even Bungie are backing against it.

What an embarrassment to Microsoft that conference has been. Whilst that console is a joke, it says a lot when practically all of the main developers/publishers have come out & backed it out and out.

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  • Since when did promoting a game at a developers conference mean you were backing that console out right? Especially seeing as how the nextbox conference is still to come. Now, if Bungie refuse to do the same at the MS conference then you'd have a point. Until then you're just spouting bullshit.

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  • You realise that naturally developers are going to back whatever console they're appearing in the presentation of, right? If Bungie had come on and said "Destiny looks amazing on the Nextbox" then they'd likely face a lawsuit like no other, considering it was a [i]Sony[/i] meeting. Seriously, how deranged do you have to be to believe PR? If the meeting had been for Microsoft's Nextbox, you'd be saying exactly the same damn thing. "Ermahgerd why dey backing Xbawx?! Got nawffin on deh peesee!!!111!!!1!1!one!" I mean hell, I'm a cross-platform gamer. I have an Xbox 360 and a high-end PC for gaming, so I get the best of both worlds, but you cannot, in my opinion, compare the social aspect of the PC to that of the console. The console market is so much more accessible and the number of people I know on the Xbox vastly outnumbers those I play on the PC. How about you wait until the announcement of the Nextbox before you jump to frankly -blam!-ing idiotic conclusions?

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  • That means nothing, ever since Bungie split from MS we all knew they'd be at a sony conference, I'll admit the PS4 looks very impressive but Microsoft will have something just as good up their sleeves or I would assume so.

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    4 Replies
    • Are you an idiot? This next gen is going to be good. But not really jaw-dropping. But who knows what Microsoft will show off with their next gen console? Now, if you have (and you most likely haven't) heard about the Oculus Rift you know why I am only excited about that now and not really for next gen. I want the next step of gaming to be virtual reality, and Palmer Luckey made that first good step with the Oculus Rift! I say a lot of gaming developers should work more with virtual reality than staying with the social networking crap like Facebook. Luckily a lot of gaming developers support the Oculus Rift and there are many dev kits being shipped. Even Notch, the creaotr of Minecraft has one already to work with. :) Virtual Reality is going to be the next amazing step into gaming! VR GAMING FTW!!! <3

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      • I didn't know PR talk actually works on people.

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      • Funny bungie are also backing the Xbox. All those developers say the same thing about every new console they are working on, most are multiplatform.

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      • How is it an embarrassment to Microsoft when they've yet to display their product?

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        • Was anything said about the new xbox yet?

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          • It's nice to see you again Cay.

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          • What the hell are you going on about? Of course publishers are going to back a console that their game is coming out for. I don't understand why everyone is overreacting to everything about the conference tonight.

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          • ah Cay, you never disappoint. God to see you branching out from Mac trolling and have begun Sony trolling as a side project.

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          • Just because Bungie/Activision showed up at the Sony conference doesn't mean anything. Bungie/Activision are trying to sell as many copies f their games as possible, otherwise they wouldn't be developing for the both the 'XBOX' and the PS4. If Microsoft host their own conference I guarantee that Bungie/Activision will be present.

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          • Lots of leaks about the PS4 ended up being true, if the leaks of Durango are true then it looks like PS4 will come out on top. But we don't have any set-in-stone details, so I can't make a judgement on that.

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          • Why don't we wait until we get some deets on the new Xbox before asserting that M$ will be put in there place, everyone?

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          • That, or Microsoft is laughing their asses off.

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          • Soo have you seen an pics of what ps4 graphics will look like cause the ones for the 720 on GameInformer looked pretty cool. And releasing Destiny to the playstation market isn't backing away from Microsoft, it is just opening up their markets.

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          • Whoa cowboy, we only saw Sony's conference so far, I usually like to make my choice AFTER I see what both have to offer.

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          • What did I miss? Also, we've known for a while now that the 720 isn't going well.

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          • I will admit, the PS4 looks like the console to beat in this next generation. I'll still hold my view that PC gaming is superior, but as far as consoles go, Sony appears to have a bright future ahead.

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          • I must says.. So far, the PS4 has surpassed my expectations.. It looks like they've learned from their faults, learned what worked on the Xbox and made it better. Not to mention, included features into the console that you would usually have to buy a separate device to do.. record gameplay!

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            • Bungie expanding to another platform would hardly be considered "backing against" the Xbox and Microsoft. I don't even know what half your post means.

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            • LOL Can't wait till M$ is put in their money grubbing place when the PS4 dominates the next gen.

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            • Could I have a source?

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              • lol

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