[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=0]7 - Only the trusted few...[/url]
[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=1]6 - Every moment matters...[/url]
[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=2]5 - Is this how it's always been?[/url]
[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=3]4 - Persistence is the key...[/url]
[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=4]3 - You draw deep inside...[/url]
[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=5]2 - Pushed to this place for a reason...[/url]
[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=6]1 - There must be meanings in its roar...[/url]
So guys, we need everyone on board tomorrow, Destiny gets revealed at 10:00 AM PST, and I want this ARG wrapped up and finished before then. It's been a long week, and it's been hard to keep participation up at times, but we have one final push left. Hypothetically the ARG site will be updated on Midnight, we need to get word out to the Aussies to give that site hell during the wee hours of the morning. God speed you magnificent bastards.