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Edited by Cortana Five: 2/24/2013 10:12:04 PM

JOYEUSE IP Formula (inb4 reveal)

TL;DR: Joyeuse is the AI in Destiny. Spread the word. We're now on [url=]Reddit![/url] "[url=]I know who you are. You are destiny.[/url]" [quote]"[i]My name is Cortana, of the same steel and temper as Joyeuse and Durendal."[/i][/quote] "[b]What the hell is this?[/b]" you may ask. Dearest reader, I'm here to bring you a flicker of hope about Bungie's next IP. [url=]Remember me?[/url] So much has happened since the original theory was posted ([i]heck, I was featured on [url=]Misriah Solutions![/url][/i]), and I think it's a good time to post an epic thread. E3 is on the distant horizon and people are getting itchy for new IP info. Let's get down to business, shall we? [quote][b]Reading References:[/b] -[url=]Marathon Story Page[/url] -[url=]Halopedia[/url] -[url=]Pfhorpedia[/url] [b]Want to play Marathon yourself?[/b] [url=][/url]: Aleph One: Marathon Open Source [/quote] [quote]What's this all about? An IP formula?[/quote] Yes... Sort of. You see, in two of Bungie's trilogies, we've got this mysterious protagonist and his AI buddy ([i]If you've played Marathon, you'd likely agree that Durandal isn't exactly your buddy[/i]). So, no big deal, right? It's just a little tradition Bungie has going in their SciFi trilogies. [b]No.[/b] Big deal. HUGE deal. I'm going to tell you why. Please refer to figure one: [quote][url=]Figure One.[/url][/quote] In Marathon, we've got Durandal and in Halo there's Cortana. In a mix of European history and mythology, these are the names of swords that were carried by prominent men. Ogier the Dane was the holder of [url=]Curtana[/url]. Count Roland wielded [url=]Durendal[/url] until his dying breath. Stay with me, I am arriving to a point. On Curtana's blade there's an inscription: [quote][i]My name is Cortana, of the same steel and temper as [url=]Joyeuse[/url] and Durendal.[/i][/quote] So, where's Joyeuse? In the next IP. [quote][b][u][url=]The Bungie Formula[/url][/u][/b][/quote] The swords, Durendal and Curtana represent the A.I. characters Durandal and Cortana. The events surrounding the AI characters are basically metaphors for the events surrounding the swords. In turn, the story of Master Chief parallels that of Ogier the Dane, and MJOLNIR Recon Number 54 ([i]not the moderator[/i]) parallels Count Roland. Not only do these stories parallel, they interact with each other. These men became allies to combat the invading Saracens and Charlemagne (see below) even used Joyeuse to knight Ogier the Dane. If this tradition is to be followed, then your protagonist will parallel [url=]Charlemagne[/url] and his sword Joyeuse. Plot points, character names (specifically your AI sidekick) and character development can be traced back to Charlemagne and his sword. In short, that's all you really need to know if you're not up for reading. But if you want proof, here you are: ~[quote]The Parallels[/quote] [quote][b]Marathon, MRN54, and Count Roland[/b][/quote] [url=][b]Figure Two[/b][/url]- MRN54 vs. Count Roland & Durandal vs. Durendal [i][b]Note:[/b] More detailed evidence may be found in the [url=]original thread[/url].[/i] The parallels here are more about the protagonist's interactions with his sword/AI. In [i]the "Song of Roland"[/i], Count Roland, faced with defeat during the battle of Roncesvalles, attempts to destroy his allegedly unbreakable sword, in order to keep such a weapon away from the enemy. He strikes his sword against a cliff, only to destroy part of the cliff, while his sword remains whole. Remind you of anyone, Marathon players? Durandal instructs the player to destroy him in order to avoid Leela's fate of being captured by the Pfhor. ([i]Keep in mind that this was not an honest request made by Durandal. He's a sneaky bastard.[/i]) After you destroy Durandal, it turns out that he remains unscathed and endures on throughout the trilogy. ([i]The only thing that actually destroys him is the literal end of the universe... It's complicated.[/i]) I'd like to top this off with the fact that Durandal makes [url=]direct references to Count Roland[/url], Charlemagne, and the [b]sword[/b] Durendal. [quote][b]Halo, Master Chief, and Ogier the Dane[/b][/quote] [url=][b]Figure Three[/b][/url]- Master Chief vs. Ogier the Dane & Cortana vs. Curtana [i][b]Note:[/b] Again, this is a readers' digest version. Insane details [url=]here[/url].[/i] Ogier the Dane is a legendary character in Danish mythology. He was the son of the king of Denmark. According to legend, mere days after his birth, he was visited by six sister maidens (this is extreme paraphrasing, by the way) who granted him the promise of becoming the greatest warrior of his time and plenty of chances to prove it. Ogier was given the sword Curtana, which was originally [url=]Tristan's[/url] sword. The sword was shortened to fit Ogier. Ogier's son was killed by the kin of Charlemagne, igniting a hatred inside Ogier that led him to hunt down his son's killer and Charlemagne himself. Ogier got his revenge, but was barely prevented from killing Charlemagne. In order to defend his people and take down a threat that threatened both him and Charlemagne, Ogier makes peace with Charlemagne and Count Roland in order to defeat the Saracens. When the struggle was over, Ogier went to sleep under castle Kronborg. When his people were under threat once more, Ogier said that he would rise once more to deliver his people from the threat. Like Ogier, John-117 was raised to become an excellent warrior, and with the internal conflict amongst humanity, he was guaranteed to prove his skills. Cortana also went through a bit of a "shortening" before landing in MC's hands. This is a vague parallel, but the copying/splitting she underwent on Reach may parallel Ogier's sword being shortened before going to him. Before finding the Flood, he lost many of his fellow Spartans, colleagues, and friends to the Covenant. But in order to, not only save humanity, but all life, he had to make peace with the Arbiter and the elites. When the fight was finished, the Master Chief went back into the cryo tube to sleep, after instructing Cortana to, "wake me when you need me." [quote][b]Destiny, Unknown Protagonist, and Charlemagne[/b][/quote] [url=][b]Figure Four[/b][/url]- ???, Charlemagne, and Joyeuse [i][b]Note:[/b] You know the drill. [url=]Click[/url].[/i] This is where details get thin. I don't have an actual character or AI to compare to Charlemagne or his sword. The AI section of figure four is blank for a reason. I don't really have anything. Charlemagne was basically the father of Western Europe. He was king of the Franks and ushered in many reforms during his reign. Things to note are: -he co-ruled with his brother. They did NOT get along, and the only thing that prevented war was his brother's convenient death. -he carried on his father's policies and removed the Lombards from power in Italy. -he waged war in Spain against the Saracens. -he fought alongside Ogier the Dane and Count Roland during the battle of Roncesvalles, where he experienced the worst military defeat of his life. As for his sword, Joyeuse was used to behead a Saracen commander and to knight Ogier the Dane. See figure four. The problem here is, again, I have no idea which details about this man or his sword will matter. [quote][b][u]Conclusion[/b][/u][/quote] A lot of this has to be viewed upon with a pinch of salt. I could have a ton of things wrong here! I realize that Bungie, as a company, has changed drastically since Halo's origins. There are a ton of new people on the team and not all of the original writers remain. If this theory may be true, Joyeuse and Charlemagne may not show up because of the company's evolution. [quote][b]Links:[/b] [url=]My God, It's Full of Stars - The Destiny Map[/url] by SonicJohn [url=]Predicting Destiny Based on Halo 3: ODST and Halo Reach[/url] by SonicJohn [url=]Waiting for Destiny[/url] on Misriah Solutions [url=]Facts and Puzzling Things About...[/url] on Marathon's Story Page [i]My Links[/i]: [url=]Original Thread[/url]. You know, in case you missed it. >_> [url=]Copyright Thread[/url] [/quote]

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  • Thread saved! I like this.

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  • OP updated. I'll start using the second post I reserved for FAQs. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SonicJohn Thought it might be useful to have [url=]a dedicated Reddit[/url] for Destiny, so... :)[/quote]

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  • Thought it might be useful to have [url=]a dedicated Reddit[/url] for Destiny, so... :)

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  • With each game, a studio learns something or creates a tool/feature that works well. Halo was built atop the FPS innovations that Marathon presented (dual-wielding, limited weapons, etc) and Myth's community. Halo's throwbacks to Marathon should come to us with no surprise. As SonicJohn mentioned in his thread, Bungie has learned a ton from the Halo series, especially from ODST and Reach. I hope they utilize those lessons. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] spartan120 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cortana 5 Same reason they stopped Marathon... Sort of. They also feared beating a dead horse by making Marathon 4. They missed that boat for Halo, though. The thing about this formula is that you can basically go anywhere with it. It just provides help with creating a story. Like I said in the OP, I agree that it is possible that this formula is true, but won't be followed because the studio has changed so much. [/quote] I'm just in the process of re-reading this [I've read the original in the Universe forum a while ago]. You're onto something quite interesting and this definitely has merit. Bungie is a creature of habit in many ways [not that that is a bad thing]. Perhaps we might be looking at some sort of extended universe that- like Halo borrowed from Marathon- borrows from Halo [i]and[/i] Marathon etc, whilst not being directly linked to either. Bungie said they were done with Halo, and I believe them, but the Universe they created was multifaceted and incorporated many aspects of the extended Bungie lore itself. Whilst this is all speculation, why can't it be said that Bungie will do the same for a new universe. I do agree with you about beating dead horses though. 343 and Microsoft don't see it yet, but Halo is just about ready to be put out to pasture. They'll find out about patting a burning dog sure enough. Whatever they do, I'm very excited to see where Bungie goes next, and I'm sure that whatever their next venture is, it'll soak up countless hours of my life I'll never be able to get back [and probably wouldn't want to]. Threads such as this are a staple of this community and it is this dedication of the few that inspires the many, both the developers and the community. Good stuff [b]cortana 5[/b]. [/quote]

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  • Awesome read, great job with the visuals too.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cortana 5 [/quote]Oh, god. It seems it is. What an idiot I must seem. :\ Oh well.

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  • No SDCC for me this year. I will be at Rooster Teeth Expo for Bungie and I'm always at PAX Prime in Seattle! [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] shadow 2648 that is quite a fine wall you have built there XD Read the entire thing, excaept a few lines in some of the pictures. well developed idea you have going on there. I'm guna hang around on this one 'thread saved' I'm sorry to say i didn't read your first version of this but im glad i saw this one [quote] also wondering if your going to SDCC this year, I couldn't swing Friday tickets for the universe panel but i have always wanted to meet you " ill be there Thursday Sunday [/quote][/quote]

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  • that is quite a fine wall you have built there XD Read the entire thing, excaept a few lines in some of the pictures. well developed idea you have going on there. I'm guna hang around on this one 'thread saved' I'm sorry to say i didn't read your first version of this but im glad i saw this one [quote] also wondering if your going to SDCC this year, I couldn't swing Friday tickets for the universe panel but i have always wanted to meet you " ill be there Thursday Sunday [/quote] [Edited on 03.04.2012 3:19 PM PST]

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  • Great read. [Edited on 03.04.2012 3:11 PM PST]

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  • Dear Lord almighty, I wish. If it were true, I should apply for that writing position and have a link to this thread as my resume. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GPK Ethan I bet Joe Staten is reading this thread and saying "-blam!- she knows's EVERYTHING!" Thanks for the shortened down version, I've been meaning to read your other, but haven't gotten around to it. I definitely will soon though.[/quote]

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  • I bet Joe Staten is reading this thread and saying "-blam!- she knows's EVERYTHING!" Thanks for the shortened down version, I've been meaning to read your other, but haven't gotten around to it. I definitely will soon though.

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  • Chemtrails man, chemtrails.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cortana 5 Same reason they stopped Marathon... Sort of. They also feared beating a dead horse by making Marathon 4. They missed that boat for Halo, though. The thing about this formula is that you can basically go anywhere with it. It just provides help with creating a story. Like I said in the OP, I agree that it is possible that this formula is true, but won't be followed because the studio has changed so much. [/quote] I'm just in the process of re-reading this [I've read the original in the Universe forum a while ago]. You're onto something quite interesting and this definitely has merit. Bungie is a creature of habit in many ways [not that that is a bad thing]. Perhaps we might be looking at some sort of extended universe that- like Halo borrowed from Marathon- borrows from Halo [i]and[/i] Marathon etc, whilst not being directly linked to either. Bungie said they were done with Halo, and I believe them, but the Universe they created was multifaceted and incorporated many aspects of the extended Bungie lore itself. Whilst this is all speculation, why can't it be said that Bungie will do the same for a new universe. I do agree with you about beating dead horses though. 343 and Microsoft don't see it yet, but Halo is just about ready to be put out to pasture. They'll find out about patting a burning dog sure enough. Whatever they do, I'm very excited to see where Bungie goes next, and I'm sure that whatever their next venture is, it'll soak up countless hours of my life I'll never be able to get back [and probably wouldn't want to]. Threads such as this are a staple of this community and it is this dedication of the few that inspires the many, both the developers and the community. Good stuff [b]cortana 5[/b].

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  • Marathon doesn't feel quite as linear to a newcomer as Halo feels. It takes some getting used to. I'd suggest you pick up Aleph One! [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cpl Crosseyes Sounds very, very plausible. Excellent work Holmes, er... Cortana. I jumped onto Bungie's fan-wagon with Halo so a lot of the Marathon links and references I oftentimes never see or make the connection to. A+ for the thread.[/quote]

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  • This really hurts to read. :/ I spent an hour trying to comprehend that, I can't do it. And then I see people congratulating you for solving something, I feel retarded right now. [Edited on 03.04.2012 2:57 PM PST]

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  • I don't have a ton to go on from the more recent cryptic stuff. In the O Brave New World vidoc, Marty had a sword behind him and Jason Jones uses a sword to knight people in the studio. Although, Marty said that his sword is named Loretta. >_> [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] chuckiej2 As I said in the previous thread I love this idea. My only question is what evidence from the things that we do know? Like the shirts, the cards that came with the One of Seven game, the Vidoc, etc.[/quote]

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  • As I said in the previous thread I love this idea. My only question is what evidence from the things that we do know? Like the shirts, the cards that came with the One of Seven game, the Vidoc, etc.

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  • OP can't inb4; great thread, obvious connections here. I wonder if they expected anyone to notice this.

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  • Sounds very, very plausible. Excellent work Holmes, er... Cortana. I jumped onto Bungie's fan-wagon with Halo so a lot of the Marathon links and references I oftentimes never see or make the connection to. A+ for the thread.

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  • The thing about the names is the fact that Cortana was historically an acceptable name for Curtana, and Durandal had several varations: [quote][b]Feel the Noise (Terminal 1)[/b] Durandan, Durandal, Durandana. Charlemagne used to always call me Durandana, the fruitcake. All the many implements of war to him were in some way feminine. Not that you know the story. [/quote] There's also the previously mentioned "Durendal." I haven't found much variation for Joyeuse's name that's been used historically for that specific sword. But it is likely that we would see something like Joyful or Joyous, for Joyeuse. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Duardo I don't say this much, if ever, but I'm posting in an epic thread. Great work Cortana 5. You have cut out the fat from version 1 and streamlined this one. Visuals really help too. Great presentation. I have noticed that each AI character name is just a tad different from the sword name, so I'm guessing that Joyeuse will be named Joyous [i](which actually sounds like an awesome name)[/i] or Joyce. I'm thinking Joyous though..[/quote]

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  • Great work. It's inspiring that you put so much effort into this with nothing but the community and love of the game in mind. With that said, I think we'll have to wait and find out to see if you have the right idea. There were a lot of games in between marathon and halo. It might be pushing it to say that Bungie's next game will complete the circle, so to speak. E3 is approaching. :)

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  • I can't get over Jen's face. XD Okay, serious reply time. It's exciting to see these innovations transpire within the company. They seem to have learned a lot with Halo in terms of game mechanics, features, and the development process itself. Jen. On throne. Like Charlemagne. WE CAN HAZ GIRL PROTAGONIST NAO? [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SonicJohn [url=]Joey, you forgot this thread ;)[/url] Nicely summarized, C5! Images are very good tl;dr. I think that with the knowledge that Charlie was a King...[url=]this seems awfully fitting, no?[/url] I look forward to finding out if Joyeuse is actually going to be a weapon this time. In the thread I linked above, I talk about how the lessons learned in ODST and Reach should tie into I'm wondering if the idea of a silent AI companion (a la Superintendent) will also carry over. Perhaps that was practice for Destiny as well?[/quote]

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  • If I could shake your hand I would. Thanks for linking everything together.

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  • I actually have contemplated this, too. [url=]People have brought up[/url] Almance before, and have even mentioned Sauvaguine. For now I'm sticking to Joyeuse as the third "main" sword because of the inscription on Curtana's blade. BUT I'm not ruling out the idea of Almance or Sauvaguine showing up in some form. Before I continue, though, the URL to Almance that you provided seems to be a Halo fanfic wiki. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CrazzySnipe55 I guess since I just talked about it. I'll restate my reliquary post from the other thread. Each of these swords (according to [url][/url]) has a reliquary, that is, a slot for the containment of a relic of sorts. As I stated above, though the parallelism begins to fall apart slightly, this could relate to the fact that the AIs are stored within compartments (I'm not sure about Durandal, but Cortana certainly is contained int his manner). Just something I noticed while going over the story.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CrazzySnipe55 I just found something in that thread that I discovered before and then forgot about, (at the time I was using "DefiniteInfinity"). But my post went relatively unnoticed so I'll talk about it again. Another link (specifically to the Halo Universe) is that another sword wielded by one of the people in the "Song of Roland" appears as an AI in the Halo universe. The AI and Sword are both known as [url=]Almace[/url]. You can read about Almace and the Archbishop Turpin's role in the "Song of Roland" [url=]here[/url]. Though I have not yet researched enough to figure out what specifically the relation between said sword and the AI in question, but it is definitely another link. Edit: And this could mean that there is also a lesser known and less prominent AI from Marathon that shares a name with one of the swords. Also, because there are a total of 6 named swords (and one spear) in the "Song of Roland", that would leave 2 remaining for the Destiny universe. Edit 2: I think that Hauteclaire might be the secondary AI (analogically, Hauteclaire is to Joyeuse as Alamce is to Cortana) in the Destiny Universe, as it was made at the same time as Joyeuse by the same cutler. Almost equally possibly could the secondary AI be Flamberge, as it was formed at the same time as Joyeuse and Hauteclaire. But, Flamberge is not one of the central "named" swords in the "Song of Roland" (Hauteclaire is) and is, in fact, a type of sword and not a specially made sword with a personified name. The fact that it isn't a "main" sword in the "Song of Roland" may not even matter, due to the fact that Cortain (Cortana) was not one of the main swords, but I think it seems likely that it will be one of them. Also lending credence to Flamberge not being one of the AI's in the next game, is that it, too was made for Charlemagne. On the Halo side of things, Almace and Cortain were made for two different people as they were completely unrelated to one another in the Halo story. Now, obviously, I'm beginning to hypothesize within hypotheses, but I've got nothing else to do. And... I could be entirely wrong and I could sound nothing short of a mad man. Meh.[/quote]

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  • This thread is more interesting now than when I originally read it because in French we've been going all over Charlemagne and the Song of Roland. Now we've recently read the story of Yseut and Tristan, which according to wikipedia was the original holder of Cortana. Cool stuff to make you forget that you still don't actually know anything substantial about Bungie's next IP.

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  • Glorious. I used that link for the original thread. I'd lost all my bookmarks when I got a new computer last summer. It'll be added to the OP! <3 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CrazzySnipe55 Edit: [url=]Found it[/url]. You should add it to the OP, Cortana. It really is a good resource. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall another thread (perhaps one made by SJ) where there was a link to a page about the Song of Roland. It was a green colored page (if I remember correctly) and was translated from Chinese. I know that's not much to go on but it had a LOT of information and I can't seem to find it.[/quote]

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