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Edited by SmartAlec13: 1/17/2013 3:45:09 AM

Official League of Legends discussion thread

Thought we could have one, since more members of MBT are starting to play. You know how these things work. For those that don't know or are interested, league of legends is a free online game where you fight in arenas on teams, trying to destroy the enemy base. Its that RTS-styled field of view, but your champion has skills. Its not an RPG, its not an RTS. Its fun. [url=] Epic Push in a 4v5 match by Me and Dan and Theo[/url] [Edited on 01.14.2012 11:54 AM PST]

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  • You did well with Kayle. However, that said, don't give up on Soraka. Youre still learning her, and she is a very powerful support. If played correctly, she and the AD Carry can dominate bot with little resistance. It is very hard to push that combo out of lane. If you want to try and learn another team support like Janna is, try Sona. I haven't seen you play her yet. I find her to be very fun and useful to the whole team. And she can stun a whole team which is super effective in team fights. She also has a slow with her power chords. I think her CC is in line with Janna's, though the support with the most CC is Alistar. You should definitely try him too.

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    I think today was a good bonding day for me and Dan. I'm not gonna lie, I hate playing Soraka. She doesn't seem to help much during team fights. I heal one person, silence another, spam my q, and wait for the ult. It's pretty useless as compared to Janna's cc. I know it helps me and Dan hold the lane. But when we get ganked and Dan or myself are the target, there isn't much I can do to prevent that. I do however really like playing with Kayle. I was able to perfect her ult at most of the moments. The timing can still improve.

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    I'm on a 5 game winning streak. Anyone up for trying to hit 10 again...? :)

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  • 18/0/19, around 230 CS, full build. I think that was my best game ever.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vishra My current buy order on mid champions is as follows: Karthus, Swain, Cassiopeia, Anivia, Ryze Right now I have access to 3 of the top tier champions in Morgana, Ahri, and Vlad, but I definitely haven't mastered any of them. Morgana needs the most work, and I need to make sure I work on my positioning in team fights more often, as well as pull my weight on moving around during laning phase. With LeBlanc and Morg I've been doing that more, but I should be able to push a lane up and go gank another lane several times during laning phase. I also need to work on not getting frustrated against matchups I hate, such as Heimer. I thought I did better yesterday when I had to play against one, so I do think that's an improvement.[/quote] Vista I mained as AP Mid when I was at your level too, and I feel your pain. There was several champions that I COULD NOT, under any circumstances, beat, and I hated them for that. The champions I hated the most were easily Cass and Malzahar. Both annoyed me and I never felt like I could beat them. My mentality was, if you cant beat em, join em, so I ended up buying the champions I hated. However, as I got more confident of controlling my own champions, and learning how to play them more effectively, I begun to turn the tides. As your knowledge of other champions expand, you'll be able to counter them better. You'll soon master your champs and will be dominating. I think you're already quite good with Vlad, and you may even be better with Ahri. You need work on Morg, though I believe that's because you just haven't learned her yet. She is a sustain champion, much like Vlad. Unless fed, she does not have any burst/nuke ability to kill any champions quickly. She does more overall team damage than one on one damage, especially with her ult and pool. If you play her correctly, you also don't have to worry a lot about ganks. Her shield breaks CC and withstands most damage from AP mids. This is my skill sequence with Morg; 1 point in bind at level 1, max last. Max pool first then shield. Always go Rod of Ages first, then Id recommend a Deathcap or a Zhonyas. They should always be your first two items after Rod of Ages. After that it's situational. As for boots, I usually always go Sorcerors Shoes. In the end, a good Morg is one who lands her binds well, outfarms mid lane hard (pool makes it easy), avoids ganks and protects herself/other champs with OP shield, and knows how/when to flash, shield, ult, Zhonyas the other team. As for Leblanc (I know, still not done), she was my first AP Mid Main. She is extremely dangerous early to mid game, and you should utilize that. Leblanc should always gank whenever possible to make her more fed. You seem to understand her combos well enough, but don't forget that your ult doesn't have to be used with your q. You can replicate a w for a second flash to get in battle or to get out, or a second chain to slow at tank who is trying to escape and they just will not die. Just remember to gank a lot and if you're getting fed get a Majaes Soulstealser. Leblanc scales with those very quickly. Finally, in team fights, never expose yourself. Leblanc is not really a carry, but more of an assassin. After your team is tanking/fighting, get in, get a quick nuke kill, and get out. If you stick around, you will die. Pull back out and wait for cooldowns to refresh before jumping back in.

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  • My current buy order on mid champions is as follows: Karthus, Swain, Cassiopeia, Anivia, Ryze Right now I have access to 3 of the top tier champions in Morgana, Ahri, and Vlad, but I definitely haven't mastered any of them. Morgana needs the most work, and I need to make sure I work on my positioning in team fights more often, as well as pull my weight on moving around during laning phase. With LeBlanc and Morg I've been doing that more, but I should be able to push a lane up and go gank another lane several times during laning phase. I also need to work on not getting frustrated against matchups I hate, such as Heimer. I thought I did better yesterday when I had to play against one, so I do think that's an improvement.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DanTheMan8987 Things we need to do before even thinking of playing Ranked: 1. Gavin needs to learn more supports such as Ali, Soraka, Taric, Sona, etc. He is getting good with Janna, but Janna is banned a lot in ranked, or the other team could take her. 2. Suns needs to expand to other players at top. I think he would really like Renekton. Also could try Jarvan, Rumble, and Olaf. 3. Theo needs to continue to practice his jungling, and possibly buy some more jungle champs like lee sin. 4. Vish also needs to expand on his mid players. Was glad to see him using Leblanc today. He should start trying some of the top ap mids like Karthus, Ryze, Morgana, Anivia, and Swain. 5. I need to continue to play with Gavin as much as possible so we have good teamwork at bot. Also should practice Kog Maw more and try to master him. 6. And we all need to work together on better communication, especially when we are not having good games, it just breaks down into people yelling at each other. [/quote] Don't forget that everyone needs to hit level 30 before rank can be considered.

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    [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DanTheMan8987 Things we need to do before even thinking of playing Ranked: 1. Gavin needs to learn more supports such as Ali, Soraka, Taric, Sona, etc. He is getting good with Janna, but Janna is banned a lot in ranked, or the other team could take her. 5. I need to continue to play with Gavin as much as possible so we have good teamwork at bot. Also should practice Kog Maw more and try to master him. [/quote] I'm gonna keep working at Soraka and Taric. Mostly Taric cause I have a feel for Soraka already. I won't play Janna tomorrow just so I can continue my practice. Also babe, I am free most of the day. We don't have to wait for the whole crew to stop by. In the end as long as we are working together, we will dominate when it really matters.

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    Things we need to do before even thinking of playing Ranked: 1. Gavin needs to learn more supports such as Ali, Soraka, Taric, Sona, etc. He is getting good with Janna, but Janna is banned a lot in ranked, or the other team could take her. 2. Suns needs to expand to other players at top. I think he would really like Renekton. Also could try Jarvan, Rumble, and Olaf. 3. Theo needs to continue to practice his jungling, and possibly buy some more jungle champs like lee sin. 4. Vish also needs to expand on his mid players. Was glad to see him using Leblanc today. He should start trying some of the top ap mids like Karthus, Ryze, Morgana, Anivia, and Swain. 5. I need to continue to play with Gavin as much as possible so we have good teamwork at bot. Also should practice Kog Maw more and try to master him. 6. And we all need to work together on better communication, especially when we are not having good games, it just breaks down into people yelling at each other.

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    And let me shield you.

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  • I can't wait to play ranked 5v5 with you guys, we just need to be more versatile and adaptive. And we need to lose our stubbornness and pride, myself included.

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    Yall had a bîtch fest without me? =(

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    He's only fast because of me.

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  • He plays a lot like Shyvama. I still like shyvana more, I think, but Hecarim is newer and fresher to me. He is so fast. I love his playstyle and his kit. He jungles very quickly as well and his ganks are great. He has more CC than Shyvana, but I still think I prefer Shyvana overall more. They're definitely my top two premier junglers.

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    Really Alec you don't know. God damn you're so insensitive. How could you?! I'm sorry Theo.

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  • Why

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  • Hecarim is my new favorite character.

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  • Login Ques are only 40 minutes today, woot.

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  • Yeah look up Force of Nature. Its a great item. Something you should maybe want to get over Randuins Omen or Sunfire Cape. But with that much health, atmas must be giving you tons of damage.

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  • I agree, I didn't really have any idea what to get for AP because I never really achieve FULL build. Their whole team was absolutely sh-t anyways so it didn't matter in the end, our team just made a mistake. The only person who I kind of had to worry about was Sivir and she didn't do crap to me, and I was sitting around 5000+ health. I asked Alec on the same subject after the game lol because I had no idea what to get for AP in such a situation.

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  • Suns, Sanguine Garen skin just went on super sale. Only 260 RP. Now is your chance!!

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  • Time to download Heroes of Newarth? Hahaha But yeah no matter how badly you're owning in a 4v5, if games get stretched out that long, then everyone will achieve full build and the team with more players will win. EDIT: how did you guys manage to log on last night? EDIT 2: suns your final build is nice, but it is too heavily focused on armor. An AP carry would likely shred through your 4000 health quite quickly. Instead of getting randuins omen, you could Try and grab a force of nature. Gives you insane health regen (works with your passive pretty awesomely), tons of MR, and a sweet movement speed boost. That would round out your build nicely. [Edited on 06.23.2012 7:37 AM PDT]

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    [url=]Pics or it didn't happen[/url]

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  • Me: 22/3/12, 222 minion kills, full build. Gavin: 6/3/27. Yet it ends in a loss.

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  • By the look of it, League wont be back to normal for the whole weekend. Which sucks, I really want to play

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  • Okay, sounds pretty good. Gonna be doing some shopping this weekend for gear I need

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