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8/4/2009 6:41:07 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheKilla88 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Blade967 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheKilla88 [quote]Posted by: ImaGonnaGetYou lolwut? Learn Englihs retard.[/quote][url=]Oh Munter...[/url][/quote] Thread saved. Is that where the whole "Learn Englihs retard" thing started?[/quote]I hadn't seen it before there and the day after that thread I saw it in a couple places. So for now I'll go with plausible. [/quote] lol, I wonder if it is. If it isn't, then I want to know where it started. And check page 22, Captain K Mart had a stroke of hilarity.

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