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4/20/2024 5:16:49 PM

Private mode for inspection

Hello, I'm jeff been playing since destiny 1 and the dawn of destiny 2 with breaks here and there, I'd like to make a minor request for there to be a privacy setting for inspection so players can't just inspect you whenever they want, i know it sounds selfish but i really like to sometimes keep a few builds to myself I'm sure others feel this way too it really sucks when you make a nice build and anyone can just copy it because you can't set a private mode to inspect, it's worse if your friend group does it too (the constant inspecting and copying things from you) much less without even being like "hey mind if i copy that" or something it just feels terrible. I'm not asking for much but a minor feature i know this might not get picked up by bungie but i hope it does some of us just hate getting inspected whenever people want it's just like protecting your recipe but in destiny 2 your recipe is always hung on the wall for anyone to see with nothing you can do about it, but here's to hoping maybe a bungie employee sees this.

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