Im not saying that they need to be incredibly common or in anyway guaranteed. What i am saying is that 200+ drops and not a single shiny drop is actually insane. Like i get its supposed to be rare but at this rate i wont get a single drop for half the weapons by the time the shiny drop disappears when the final shape launches. At this rate its not even worth grinding for.
Shiny is cosmetic. Shiny should be an ornament. Replace random “shiny” drops with adept weapons. Make them rare just like shiny currently is. Shiny should just be a weapon ornament for said Brave weapons that we can farm for. Once received once, you should be able to apply it to any of the normal weapons that drop. For example, once you collect the Brave ornament for Recluse once, you can then apply said ornament to any Recluse weapon. Adept versions of the Brave weapons should be guaranteed after completing 50 waves. Completing 50 waves of legendary should award an early “enhanced” version of adept Brave weapons that already has the perks enhanced by default. Problem solved. Everyone is happy. Win-Win for everyone!