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11/27/2023 4:42:07 PM
I stopped playing Titan. It’s been beaten, shot, kicked, and then -blam!- slapped. I mean, everything has been gutted. Stasis Titan is just trash in PvP and PvE, easily the worst subclass in the game. Void Titan is pretty bad in PvE, simply because the ability spam is almost non existent, which it relies on for Controlled Demolition. Solar Titan is useless without Lorleys or Synthos, and with the Lorley, Synthos, and Sunspots/Bonk Hammer nerfs, it’s done for. Arc Titan is trash, nowadays you can’t one shot melee everything, and the health regen from Knockout will be stopped almost instantly. The only thing that makes it playable is Jolt. It literally rides on a keyword. Strand Titan just got hit HARD. It leans into “risky, in your face” playstyle, but Woven Mail, BoW, and Orbs (therefore Woven Mail and ability regen) have just been nerfed hard. The overall Orb nerf is about to kill 99% of builds, I’m not looking forward to sitting in a corner with Wishender for an entire GM. I’ve started playing Warlock now. I enjoy being able to actually move in PvP. My KD literally went up from 1.05 this season to 1.45. Much better than having to rely on shotgun aping on Titan because we have zero ranged melees (that are good, frisbee and hammer are -blam!-), no movement, and only 2 good exotics. Whenever I duel a Titan, it’s like taking candy from a baby. They’re huge targets, and have little to no movement. It’s funny when they try to use their measly shoulder charge to run away, because all it takes is a quick Icarus Dash and a Celestial Fire clean up, and they’re easy pickings. I exclusively use Solar Warlock, and I started off with using T-Steps, but then moved to Ophidians. Everything feels better. Movement. Abilities. Survivability. Hell, I threw on some weapons that had low handling (Found Verdict, Astral, Pure Poetry, Igneous), and they immediately felt INCREDIBLE. My second game with my Pure Poetry I had over 30 defeats and almost a 4.0 KD. I never realized how bad Titan was at everything until I started using Warlock. I mean Titan is absolute trash when compared to Warlock. I’m still trying to work out the kinks with Rift placement and how/when to use Phoenix Dive, but it’s so much better than placing a crappy barricade that immediately gets melted and does absolutely nothing.

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  • "The sit in the corner wishender" is spot on . I would wager to say that a high percentage of GM's wishender is slotted. I was going to break out and try the exotic stasis bow curve , But I had to run surges and get a turret freezing the barrier just to break its bubble in GM . Its a slow long haul if your soloing . Bungie needs more options . I had high hopes for revision zero , nope trash . Bungie you really need more weapons that do what wishender does and not another bow.

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  • Finally, someone with a brain around here. The whole point of Titan builds are to build in either survivability (for you or the whole team) or melee based (since most of the ways we Titans attack are through punching things in different flavors). Since Bungie claims that people shouldn’t build into survival and are trying to nerf those builds into the ground, the only thing Titans have left is melee based builds, and most of those are either underwhelming, underpowered due to many previous nerfs to them, or overpowered (the bonk build). With Solar Titan being gutted, the only thing that fulfills the melee fantasy that Bungie wants Titans to be is through Strand (and even that’s being nerfed due to popularity 🙄). Like you, I just switched to Warlock (my Hunter is mostly for PvP at this point) because with the overly nerfed subclasses above, the Orb mod changes only compounded that feeling of helplessness and powerlessness of the class and I feel like I have no other option but to quit that class altogether. I COULD build into the class, but if the options are underwhelming compared to the other class’s builds then what’s the point of continuing? I will be on Titan again, but only for the Final Shape to complete the campaign on him and to try out the new super. Other than those, the Titan class is dead to me. (If you want, I can condense my thoughts into a longer post to see what I mean. I just wanted to post this because I saw another Titan struggling like me to keep going.) Take care Guardian! 👍🏾

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  • [quote]Since Bungie claims that people shouldn’t build into survival and are trying to nerf those builds into the ground, the only thing Titans have left is melee based builds, and most of those are either underwhelming, underpowered due to many previous nerfs to them, or overpowered (the bonk build). With Solar Titan being gutted, the only thing that fulfills the melee fantasy that Bungie wants Titans to be is through Strand (and even that’s being nerfed due to popularity 🙄). [/quote] Exactly. Arc Titan in PvE is just punch, punch again, throw a jolt grenade, punch some more. And even then, if you take one measly tick of damage, the regen (therefore survivability) goes out the window. Void Titan in PvE is dead now, because it used to be good with HOIL but now that they gutted it, Void Titan is virtually useless. Stasis Titan is… I mean do I even need to elaborate? Solar Titan is now gutted because Synthos are trashed as of next season. Strand Titan I’m sure is right under the nerf hammer. I mean Strand Titan is the first Titan subclass we’ve seen in a while that has good survivability. Other than OG Bonk Hammer, no Titan class has had as good survivability. And then Bungie decides to kill it. It’s almost like they come up with stuff, and it’s fun and popular, and then they just kill it because they overdelivered on the funness of the creation. [quote]the Orb mod changes only compounded that feeling of helplessness and powerlessness of the class and I feel like I have no other option but to quit that class altogether.[/quote] My thoughts exactly. With less orbs, which I usually rely on for health bumps with the boot mod, my survivability immediately dropped. Plus, with not only the Woven Mail nerf, but also the BoW nerf, there’s almost no tanky options left. [quote]I COULD build into the class, but if the options are underwhelming compared to the other class’s builds then what’s the point of continuing?[/quote] Dude, it’s like our brain pathways are connected. People are always like “Oh, just use melee spam on Arc Titan.” But why would I when other options exist? Assassin’s Cowl on Arc Hunter and Necros on Warlock make it look like a joke. People tell me “Oh, Void Titan with HOIL is still good.” But Verity’s Brow or Nezerac’s Sin just does it better, especially with the Devour changes next season. No point in playing Titan anymore tbh.

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  • While it is getting nerfed, you should try out the healing nade + restoration 2x + ember of empyrean + sunshot build

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  • What’s getting nerfed?

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  • Specifically the restoration part. Gonna go from 65 health per second to 50

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  • Oh, phew. Thought you were saying Solar Warlock was getting nerfed. Sounds like a pretty cool build tho, Sunshot is fun when Guardians go boom. On a higher note, I just got a really good helmet for my Warlock. After tirelessly farming Engrams for the War Table, I decoded 15 helmets and got a good one. It’s a little low on stats at 62, but the stat distribution is absolutely flawless. Lowest possible stats in mobility, intellect, and strength, with max discipline, 10 recovery, and 20 resilience. Lets me hit 100 res and recov, with 90 discipline.

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