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8/23/2023 10:57:38 PM
Are you joking? I'm a hunter main.. dodge isn't simply movement. Even at its basic level it can reload your equipped weapon for DPS that the other classes don't get, or hey have your melee back for an infinite loop.. now let's add in things like invisibility, healing, an exploding decoy and much much more without the aid of an exotic.. and the kicker.. we have the quickest charging class ability. Then there's the exotics.. dodge isn't just made better by exotics.. it makes plenty of exotics better. Put on spines and stick the right mods on. Throw grenade, throw knife and get grenade back.. dodge and get knife back. It's not difficult

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  • ICARUS DASH CHARGES IN 5 SECONDS AND IF YOU EQUIP REIGN OF FIRE IT DOES THE SAME THING LMFAOOOOOOOO. also who cares about the time to charge? that's not what the post is about. the post was about the fact that the ability DOESNT DO WHAT ITS NAMED lmfaooooo. IT ACTUALLY SPREADS YOUR HITBOX OVER THE ENTIRE ANIMATION. that's awful

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  • Agreed, that's the first half of your post, which I DIDN'T reply to.. THEN You talk about EXOTICS and how it's "USELESS" without an exotic or when compared to other class abilities.. and that's what my reply is about. Those subjects are most definitely in your original post.

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  • sp first explain to me how dodge heals you without wormhusk...SPOILER ALERT IT DOESNT. second...explain to me how the threaded spector explodes without the bombardiers exotic...SPOLER ALERT IT DOESNT. lmfaoooooo come on man if you want to just hate on hunters get over yourself

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  • I don't hate hunters, I've been a hunter main since D1 day one. I just happen to understand how to use dodge correctly, and it's painfully evident that you don't.. Healing dodge.. several ways to build into this.. the easiest way was back in season 17 when we had classy restoration. Nowadays it's a bit harder but can be done by combining dodge with other things. Mods that allow you to refill your grenade by dodging and then use healing grenade. Solar aspect that applies restoration for kills, dodging to reload weapon is a massive help here. Yes these are tentative but they do exist.. Threaded spectre explodes if anyone shoots it, including enemies, or if an enemy walks up to it. That's intrinsic and doesn't need an exotic

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  • Dude are you thinking about what you type before you say anything? it's season 22, classy restoration is way gone. 5 seasons is OVER A YEAR LMFAOOOOOO. oh yea let me just use another ability to match what Phoenix dive does on its own...oh wait what's that? Phoenix dives cool down is only 40 seconds. hmm yea hunters dodge is soooo op bro it comes back every 12 seconds to do absolutely nothing bahahahahahahaha

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  • Maybe learn to read...I literally said it's an old thing and then stated ways it can still happen.. you really do have those fingers knuckle deep in your ears don't you. I'm not even sure you're reading what's written.. don't bother replying anymore. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, have no idea how to effectively use a hunter or are just being an idiot.. probably all 3

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  • strange to say i dont understand something when the information you're pointing to as evidence to prove your point about how dodge isn't useless isn't relevant anymore 🤔 makes total sense I'm sure. yes let me use 2 abilities to replicate the 1 another character class has and then when someone calls you out on how ridiculous you sound you don't have a comeback smfh lmfaoooooo. that would be like me saying chaos reach is too op now because 3 seasons ago they busted geomag stabilizers and just left them broken for it was broken, now they nerfed it. the post says change the name of dodge to hop because you don't actually dodge. then I discuss how it's useless without an exotic...all points you've since confirmed lmfaooooo

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  • No you really are just stupid. Glad we got that sorted. I read your post and started discussing part of it. You seem hung up on the part I'm not discussing. I've clearly stated how things work. What's the point of trying to replicate other classes stuff when dodge can do much much more than other classes abilities? Something else you ignored. What's apparent is that you don't care about other opinions, even those with actual facts, unless they agree with you. Maybe you should look up the definition of "forum" as it's genuinely not for you... We're done here. Reply with the same drivel you've already posted and repeat yourself to your heart's content. I'll be doing as much listening as you've managed and not wasting any effort in replying.

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  • lmfaoooo it's funny cause you keep saying it offers so much but then have to pair it with an exotic or another ability everytime you post. more proof of the fact is that all you can resort to now is to try to insult me. smfh bahahahahaha

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  • No, no I don't.. my very first reply has a very long list of benefits that do not require an exotic. Most of those benefits are unique to the hunter. What this actually is is another example of you not reading or understanding my replies and more proof that you don't know how to use a hunter... muted

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  • you know it's funny cause I saw the stuff about it reloading weapons and said hmm what if I just hit my shots? cause pvp is pretty unforgiving when it comes to missing your shots especially in what until last week was and still really is an smg meta. then I saw the thing about getting your melee back "infinitely" and I said hmm gamblers dodge cool down got increased to about 20 seconds and you need to be near enemies for it to work, which made me say hmm this person has clearly never gone up against a synthocep titan or ophidian warlock who will just punch you while you get that useful melee back while hopping LMFAOOOOOOOO

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  • is useless without an exotic...period lmfaoooo. to say otherwise shows you're either out of touch with how the other classes and their abilities function or you just main something else. The threaded specter only blows up IF YOU WEAR BOMBADIERS OR SOMEONE SHOOTS IT. SO ONCE AGAIN ITS TIED TO AN EXOTIC. your knife recharges only if you run gamblers get it back you have to "dodge" near enemies....try that against a synthocep titan who just rubber bands at you lmfaooooo or an ophidian warlock...trip mines ONLY BECOME SPAMMABLE LIKE YOURE DESCRIBING WITH A DIFFERENT EXOTIC. YOU HOP YOU DONT DODGE. DODGING WOULD MEAN YOU DONT GET HIT WHAT IS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND other news go look up what Briarbinds do on warlock...spoiler alert THEY MAKE CHILD OF THE OLD GODS BETTER TO THE POINT WHERE IT OUTCLASSES THE TETHER SUPER. that shows you how much bungie dislikes the hunter class. smfh it's so blatant even if you dig your head into the sand

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  • If you re ready original reply you'll see many examples of how dodge doesn't need an exotic to be good. The strand spectre explodes if enemies go hear it, or shoot it, or if players shoot it. No exotic needed..

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  • ...bro go walk up to a threaded spector and watch how it doesn't just explode you've been getting killed with bombardiers or your teammates have been shooting it lmfaooooo. play the 3v3 Playlist a bit and watch how little it's used. MORE IMPORTANTLY WATCH HOW EASY IT IS TO OUTPLAY IT AND HOW MANY PEOPLE WHO ARE USING IT ARE RUNNING 6TH COYOTE. I'll tell you what tho, I'll humor you. do you want me to breakdown each character classes strand abilities and show you why the hunters are worse?

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  • Here's the description for threaded spectre on the ability: "Activating your class ability leaves behind a decoy woven from [Strand] Strand matter that draws the attention of nearby combatants. After taking significant damage or when combatants approach, the decoy detonates, dealing damage and releasing Threadlings that seek out and attack nearby foes." Now just shush

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  • ...just many times has bungie had an ability or mechanic that didn't work right? remember when they had to disable iron banner because of khepris horn? hmm I sure do. also do you want me to attach clips of threaded specter and how it's not nearly doing what you...or the description you posted says? lmfaooooo imagine not having any type of experience to reference so you go back to source text which doesn't even matter any more because bungie constantly makes edits and changes 😂😂😂😂😂

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  • I regularly play strand and use threaded spectre all the time. It's a hilarious aspect to use combined with radiant dance machines.. little green ghosts everywhere.. blowing up in the enemy's faces as they get too close. This ability doesn't need radiant dance machines to work, it's just op as hell with them. Maybe you should learn how to use these abilities properly before sounding off about them? You've come over as a complete idiot that has no idea what they're talking about. Repeating myself has become boring. It you won't except my word or the text from the actual game then you're a tool.. as I've already said. Please stop.. I'm done talking to you. You're either fishing or stupid

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  • hmm using another exotic yet I'm the one who doesn't know what I'm talking about...sure the dodge without the exotic makes a specter, but is it really useful 🤔 hmm nope, no it's really not. if your focus is the threadlings it produces might I suggest strand warlock? you produce threadlings just from casting your rift. they even have this aspect now where you go into 3rd person and take significantly less damage until you cast rift but i think it was so op they disabled it lmfaoooooooo

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  • Oh My Jebus You were dropped on your head as a baby right? I've already explained the uses of threaded spectre.. it doesn't need the exotic. I said that. I won't again. You ignore everything that doesn't agree with you. Pretty pathetic.. As per my other post.. bye

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  • "sure the dodge without the exotic makes a specter, but is it really useful 🤔" - me(line 2)...bahahahahahaha just to clarify since you're spending all your time insulting me and my ability or lack there of to "read" lmfaooooooooooooo

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  • No.. that would be incredibly boring and not the topic of conversation. I won't read that at all. Dodge is great and offers huge amounts of customisation and crazy builds. You just have no idea how to use it.. threaded spectre explodes when enemies get close OR if it's shot. The only one with their head in the sand is you. You made up your mind before finding out if it was true. You've no idea what you're talking about and it shows. Continue to stick your fingers in your ears and shout all you want. You're still wrong.

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