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6/1/2023 7:54:38 PM

Verglas Curve Bug

The Reddit link above (not my post) does a good job at explaining the bug and has a few links showing pictures and videos of what is happening with Verglas Curve. I put the bow on one of my stasis builds the other day and noticed since season 21 dropped it was not building Hail Barrage stacks on stasis crystal kills like it did before. I am hoping this is a bug and it wasn't shadow nerfed but in its current state it feels very clunky to use and simply not worth it with other options such as Prolonged Engagement. Since I didn't see it on the known issues in the TWAB today I would really appreciate some feedback and help getting this out there so Bungie can hopefully address this if it is not working as intended. With the interactions it had with kills from stasis crystals created by the bow building stacks of Hail Barrage, it felt like a real contender to the other exotic bows but without that interaction the gameplay loop is incredibly slow and unrewarding having to build up those stacks shot by shot just to be able to basically have another glacier grenade after 5 shots if not more in harder content. Again any feedback and assistance getting this to Bungie is greatly appreciated.

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