Oh man, I wrote quite a lot here so sorry for the longer post.
If you haven't read theres a host of changes coming in season 21 or earlier to guardian ranks, commendations and exotic focusing: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/reflecting-on-lightfall
They are still not addressing what me and my friends consider the biggest problems with the systems, those being target farming exotics and guardian ranks going away. Lets start with the guardian ranks, They should not reset every season. I'm currently rank 9, the highest possible at the moment and didn't feel that the grind there was too bad but I REALLY hate the idea of forcing me to do activities I don't like again every season to show others that I have done those activities again. I like the hardest content in this game, I usually play a lot of GM:s when they are around, forcing me to play legend level activities isn't fun.
Guardian ranks should be permanent, there's going to be a huge drop in interest of them in the coming seasons otherwise. They are supposed to show your mastery of harder and harder content to other players, to show that you can tackle the hardest content in the game, not another seasonal grind to force you to go through content you have already done many times. We already have seals to show that commitment to activities.
Another thing that is too costly at its showed form is the exotic focusing. 1 shard for a change to get your wanted exotic and 3 to focus?! Yes I have my postmaster full of shards but that is way too much! Many players that engage in end-game already have decent rolls on the exotics they want, this is only going to hurt newer players more. And getting a good exotic roll is still pure rng and instead of focus farming in activities you just focus farm in Tower. Wasn't that kinda thing something Bungie wanted to avoid?
Legend and master lost sectors are boring because they do not reward your time, the coming changes are bad because the loop is the same with higher cost and one extra step. Instead of sitting at the Tower and focusing engrams why can't we just choose what exotic we want to farm in lost sectors? Only one exotic at the time. There's still plenty of rng going there, the drop chance and that its roll is what you want. But atleast I would play the game. Yes, Bungie is buffing the drop chances (thank you!) but they are still not very high. Also why can't we have a Grandmaster variation of the activity with a quaranteed drop? GM nightfalls give plenty of resources and exotics when completing them so I don't think that GM lost sectors with a quaranteed drop would be too much to ask.
And yes if you really want us to sit at tower and focus exotics, the engrams from other activities could be focused at Rahool. But the prices told to us are way too high and should only cost max 1 shard to target focus specific exotic armor piece.
I feel you made some solid points; the only thing I would add as far as Exotic Focusing would be to have a guaranteed minimum of 63-65 stats points to justify 3 Ascendant Shards per piece.