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originally posted in: How to end microtransaction stores.
3/12/2023 6:11:36 PM
How or what do you think a live service is to survive on? Just people playing it? Buying a yearly dlc or season? Plenty of live services out there will say they won't charge or add any transactions, only to turn around and realize it is not realistic, and add cosmetic micro transactions. Really the only way for any of it to actually stop, is something people don't want to face, getting rid of money, wealth, and power...I'm guessing people would say communism or something. What I'm actually saying, if people didn't have to work, didn't have to focus on money...the next problem is everyone -blam!- like rabbits and breeds like them too...or they be lazy as -blam!- and we will live in WALL-E's universe. We become essentially a virus on the universe. Hopefully we get something like glimmer, or the ability to...take a tree shift into a a programmable matter state then shift it into food, or some other desire. Long story short, couple years and we will hit the singularity and none of this will matter.

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