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originally posted in: We need freelance Trials
1/23/2023 12:00:01 PM
Guardian,Archon Of Light
Guardian,Archon Of Light

Blade Of The Traveler old

It's more than fair for solo players, don't have to LFG and make suicide pacts anymore just to get normal loot, you get an engram every rank up, and can buy the new weapons from Saint, then use engrams for a better roll If you care about flawless, which I never have even in D1, then get a team, the Lighthouse is intended for the most dedicated and skilled PvP players, it's not for everyone, which is what Bungie stated when they introduced it in House Of Wolves , and even in freelance you will still match with AFKs and throwers, and bad players in general, it's why the majority of endgame content doesn't have matchmaking, success shouldn't depend on RNG You are lucky to be invited to the party, don't get mad because you can't have everything

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