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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Excalybyr: 11/23/2022 1:40:11 AM

D2 is fine, but it could be the best.

These changes would help.


These changes wouldn't help.


These changes would harm the game.


We need legendary campaign rotations with artificer armor drops, maybe even adept or masterwork weapons with significant rewards. We paid for that content. It would be hugely beneficial for all players, especially new, to be able to play the story and for veterans to play the content we paid for AND in a relevant way. This could also help with the lull in mid-season fatigue, releasing those rotations around that time per season. Bungie, you guys seem to gatekeep your own game and it makes no sense. Something needs to be done with light level progression, as new players are faced with a daunting, overwhelming task of getting to max light in order to enjoy the full game or just game with their friends in general. I am not sure of a solution for this one as I haven't spent much time thinking about it, but it's clearly a problem for New Lights and veterans who are trying to get people into the game we love. That's my short-list of fixes that need to happen to make D2 a thriving game for years to come, not just one that, to be honest, limps along from one season to the next and that's hard for me to say. Title completions should also come with significant in-game rewards like a load of glimmer, resources...whatever. Transmog needs to be easy like it is in literally any other game as well but I digress. I love this game, been an avid player since day 1 and even beta. But Bungie hamstrings themselves at nearly every turn. 3 steps forward and 2 steps back. Bottom line, we need the content we paid for back, and so do new players. D2 is simply an incomplete game without them. Sincerely, a Guardian who wants nothing more than for this game to thrive.

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