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Edited by Krabby2717: 10/17/2022 11:31:46 PM
I have about 2900 hours in Destiny 2 and probably similar in D1. I am primarily a PVP player who plays enough PVP to get the pinnacles and move on. Did grind out the Iron Banner seal on one character. So call it 95 pve and 5 pve. Play late west coast nights and weekend 15 hours a week or so. Had stepped away from game after the first couple of years of D2 so hardly any experience in GoS or DSC raids. Looking for that group experience to reduce my LFG activities - always ready to jump on and help with Raids Dungeons Nightfalls etc. Play west coast later nights and weekends so not really online till after midnight east coast. Bungie gamer tag Krabby2717#4864 Discord user name Krabby2717#4103

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