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originally posted in: Please buff Celestial Nighthawk
9/28/2022 6:19:26 AM
I used Celestial Nighthawk on Golgoroth and seen something that blew my mind. The celestial shot did 233,000 damage. But when I used the gungun 3 shots, the second shot was a whopping 192,000 (first one was like 70k). I swear to God nighthawk did LESS damage than just using the standard golden gun. I believe this is due to them buffing golden gun for Solar 3.0. They must have forgot to address Celestial. Personally I am just gonna use Star Eaters cause they can buff any super up to 90%. Celestial Nighthawk originally was "6 shots in 1" but now it just says it increases the damage. Bungie needs to address it either way. Celestial has become VERY weak since buffs to Golden Gun deadmark. But they probably realize everyone with half a brain would have Star Eaters instead.

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