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Edited by kellygreen45: 9/1/2022 1:47:50 PM
No personal disrespect. But you are simply getting a small taste of what average players experienced playing against you for the last 3 years under CBMM. You are having to compete now if you want to win matches, rather than being allowed to dominate weaker players. Many of whom had little if any realistic chance to beat you. The difference though is you have the skill to fight back, and the ability to compete. What I’m hearing is that you don’t find this as enjoyable. …and that’s the root issue here. The conflict between two irreconcilable definitions of fun. Those who enjoy competing against players of similar skill, versus those who enjoy dominating players of lesser skill. One is competitive. The other is predatory. The market is such that one game can no longer serve both. Which is why half of the Crucibles player base melted away over the last three years. I’m always amazed at how so many high skill players expect average players to accept conditions that those same high skill players consider unacceptable for themselves.

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  • Real world responsibilities are limiting my playtime right now.

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  • They don’t hold you from spending your time in this worthless discussion

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  • Because it’s not worthless to me. Thanks for your concern (not).

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  • It’s always the same two groups blaming the other and not willing to listen to ideas or feedback

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  • Irreconcilable differences. One group wants to have fun through conpetition. The other group wants to have fun through non-competitive encounters at the first group’s expense. A generation ago the first group had to tolerate this because they had no other options. Today they do and are exercising them.

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  • That’s is exactly what I mean. Here a player gave honest feedback of his experiences and all I here is you just want to stomp blablabla… The other groups respond with “you just don’t want to improve”, “gut gud’, etc… Neither helps to find a compromise even though plenty of good ideas were voiced. Things are not always black and white.

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  • Unfortunately that’s how it always is around here. Neither side wants to compromise, so they both think up some annoying catchphrase to downplay each side. Then, when an average player responds, they label them either one way, or the other depending on the conversation being had, and which side is responding. It’s the most obnoxious garbage.

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  • Unfortunately. I think it’s the general “debate culture” these days. It’s sad as there are some good ideas in this thread worth discussing.

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  • And people are free to speak their minds about what’s been said. The fact is that the OP is simply experiencing the game in the way most people do, and he’s not enjoying it. Because they hard truth is that he got used to effortless success…and only having to “try” when he felt like it. I’m sorry, that is not going to garner much empathy. Because he is still having a better experience than most people.

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  • That’s what I mean. You as well have the same bias of people want “effortless success” and don’t help the conversation at all. I don’t think most people experience the game like that as most people will be in the middle skill level. Also some people just want to try out some new gear and that is not possible on the high skill bracket. Are there people that like to stomp and that are toxic. Off course but most high level players I encountered where quite friendly and offered advice. Saying you have real life obligations probably means you are an adult so I would advice to mediate the conversation like one instead of repeating the same old phrases that have been said in this forum since day one. You do know that it is possible to improve in a game, right?

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  • No. People want [i]competive matches[/i] not hopeless ones. What some of you seem to have difficulty grasping is that there is skill stratification at every level of competitive sports and other games. You don’t put Little Leaguers in the batters box agains Major Leaguers…the try to shame the Little Leaguers into putting up with the laughable mismatches that result. But that is what happens everyday is shooter gamer culture every time this issue comes up. If you tried to defend something like this in sports you’d get laughed out of the locker room.

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  • This is correct but it's missing the other part of that skill stratification in that there is also reward stratification. Little leaguers don't get checks for millions of dollars. Maybe reward me with craftable world drop weapons that only drop from higher skill tiers? Like I need SOMETHING for my level of effort because if you're gonna sit here and tell me that the little leaguers are working just as hard as the people in the MLB. The level of effort required is not the same and is not on a relatively linear scale. The level of effort multiplies exponentially each bracket you up. There is no account for this in the system and most people of high skill would be ok if rewards matched our efforts

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  • The problem is you can’t reward players with power, otherwise you break the game. The rich get richer, and the game becomes non-competitive again (cough…college football…cough). But cosmetics and other bragging rights rewards that are only available in certain competitive brackets? Absolutely. Have at it. Bungie should have done that years ago.

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  • That's the thing. The people being protected by the system will complain they can't get those as well. So when does it stop. When can we safely say that just being worse is ok and you don't deserve everything the player with more skill and time has. When?

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 9/1/2022 8:51:28 PM
    Who cares? Let them complain. If they want access to those COSMETIC rewards? Play better. But rewarding power in an competitive environment breaks that competitive environment. So better players wind up with both a skill advantage AND an equipment advantage. It’s why pinnacle weapons were such a disaster.

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  • Well with the world loot pool the way it is that's essentially where we're at now and look what happened. Quite literally 95% are replaced immediately and that's by design. So I'm confused still. Why change it in the first place if we're not playing for anything

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  • Loot? Power creep.

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  • Then I guess it's time for power to creep then and I'd never thought I'd advocate for that. I simply cannot rationalize putting in more work or having to be put under more pressure to achieve because relative difficulty is higher and not be rewarded for it in an extremely tangible sense. It's really just baffling

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  • You will break the game doing that. No competitive shooter rewards players with power. The rewards are purely cosmetic.

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  • These cosmetics better be -blam!- cosmic in efficacy and design. I mean they need to be festival of the lost mech suit special. They need to be the most detailed armor in the game and it needs to open shading on all pieces of the armor. Lemme choose my textures lemme choose my colors. This needs to be EXCLUSIVE to top tier skill brackets all the way around

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  • I’m cool with that. But there is a cost issue at some point, so Bungie will hit a wall.

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  • I'm cool if new full cosmetics only come with big expansions and maybe a random legendary piece i.e robes of nezerac style ornament each season.

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  • As long as they are cosmetic, you’ll get no argument from me….

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  • That's good but what about the rest of these shitters that assume them playing against.5s is the same as me playing against 2.0s who will inevitably scream because they can't get the cosmetics. I'm truly just tryna figure out when we can have some semblance of exclusivity in the game so people actually want to improve at it

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 9/3/2022 1:48:44 PM
    Sometimes one just has to accept that complaints can stem from unreasonable expectations, and the best response is to tune them out. As long as the rewards are cosmetic, unequal access to them is not unfair, and doesn’t negatively impact the experience of playing the game. So let them complain… I certainly wouldn’t qualify for those rewards, and I won’t lose any sleep over it.

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