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Edited by kellygreen45: 9/1/2022 1:47:50 PM
No personal disrespect. But you are simply getting a small taste of what average players experienced playing against you for the last 3 years under CBMM. You are having to compete now if you want to win matches, rather than being allowed to dominate weaker players. Many of whom had little if any realistic chance to beat you. The difference though is you have the skill to fight back, and the ability to compete. What I’m hearing is that you don’t find this as enjoyable. …and that’s the root issue here. The conflict between two irreconcilable definitions of fun. Those who enjoy competing against players of similar skill, versus those who enjoy dominating players of lesser skill. One is competitive. The other is predatory. The market is such that one game can no longer serve both. Which is why half of the Crucibles player base melted away over the last three years. I’m always amazed at how so many high skill players expect average players to accept conditions that those same high skill players consider unacceptable for themselves.

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  • That is the exactly the mindset of anyone against SBMM. However, what they do not realize is if the population continues to crumble in numbers, eventually the game is going to naturally change to a more SBMM feeling.

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  • Edited by FataLVisioN_Oo: 9/1/2022 9:36:33 PM
    Used to be yes 😂 But I'll take tough opponents with decent connections (trials) over tough opponents and a bunch of Fred's trying to break through the 12 dimension (quick play) 🤣 Those guys must have a better space ship then me 🤷‍♂️ Idc about playing tough opponents

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 9/1/2022 9:13:01 PM
    Bungie tried that and it failed. Just because it met your needs doesn’t mean it didn’t fail on the whole. But I hear you about lag. Bungie needs to address that.

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  • Nothing they can do about the lag, this game isn't designed for SBMM. It's just the reality that you have to come to. They tried CBMM and a freelance playlist in D2? They've tried pure CBMM/ pure SBMM both have "failed". Remove quick play I guess 😂 (sarcasm) Freelance CBMM please ❤️

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  • The SBMM list didn’t fail. It was removed because the Stadia player base was too small, and Bungie didn’t want to pick a fight with Google.

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  • It failed just like it's failing now 🤷‍♂️ No one wants to play against people breaking into the 12th dimension. They must have some really fancy eververse ships. Couldn't tell you how many posts I've read on here from 1KD players having teammates leave and teleporting Fred's all over the map. Hard pass 👍 doesn't sound like a fun solo experience especially seeing the loot in QP is terrible

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 9/1/2022 11:02:17 PM
    Player numbers are up 11%. Interesting definition of “failure”. Player numbers have always been higher with SBMM in 6v6, as well. Trials is showing that bribing people to play only goes so far. The experience itself in pvp has to be enjoyable, and CBMM was failing in that for the average player.

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  • Edited by FataLVisioN_Oo: 9/1/2022 11:46:21 PM
    Player numbers always go up at the start of every season 🙄 That's like saying the changes to trials need to be reverted because that first week of trials when Witch Queen dropped was the most popular and had nothing to do with a new expansion dropping 🙄 It's a failure, numbers are down if you look at numbers after other seasons/expansions 👍🤙 Would also be interesting to see what mode most people are playing. I just got done playing rumble and it was a chill experience 👍 A very small amount of the community raids and more people are raiding right now then playing PvP 👌 Don't have to take my word for it though

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  • I don’t take your word for it. Bungie is seeing Crucible numbers that they haven’t seen in almost a year. Also Crucible numbers have been flat for the last three seasons. The only variation was a weekly cycle that seemed tied to Trials.

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  • You don't have to, absolutely had nothing to do with this either huh? 🤔🙄 Revert back trials changes per your logic, got it 👍😂

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  • [quote] I’m always amazed at how so many high skill players expect average players to accept conditions that those same high skill players consider unacceptable for themselves. [/quote] LMAO, spot on!

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  • Well written!

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  • Edited by TrunkMonkey: 9/1/2022 7:52:12 PM
    tired of playing against meta, don't use meta... also stick to comp less toxic. control is like hanging out on 4chan/b/ its a mad house of stupid. is my advice to people who complain

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  • I come here for the news. I stay for the Kellygreen45 posts. As a below average pvp guardian, this guy summed up every match I have had under CBMM. ... oh and that line "One is competitive. The other is predatory." That got me right here *thumps chest* I didnt even get to read the follow up yet but I can be sure you ruffled some feathers LMAO

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  • this is a bad take

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  • No it isn’t. It’s a realistic one. It’s just one that doesn’t prioritize how high skill players experience the game over that of others. What the OP is complaining about is how [i]competition[/i] feels like. It feels like work. Some people enjoy it. Some people don’t. Whereas everyone enjoys winning.

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  • [quote]What the OP is complaining about is how [i]competition[/i] feels like. It feels like work.[/quote] I'm not complaining. Everyone mashing the downvote button out of their raw disdain for players like me rushes to conclude that "He's just mad that he has to try now and is complaining online!" has clearly not read my post. There is not one complaint in my post. I simply saw other people posting their feedback about the new SBMM on these forums, so I thought I'd offer up the same feedback but from the other, far opposite side of the skill coin. When they do it, they're the top-upvoted posts, but when I do it, I'm just the salty tryhard complaining about fighting equal people. The double standards and hypocrisy are real.

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  • Sorry. Don’t buy it. Especially when you talk about it feeling like you’re playing in a tournament. Like I said. You’re experiencing how everyone else is experiencing the game. And having a BETTER experience than many players of below average skill has in coming up against you under CBMM. You’re experiencing what competition feels like. The only issue is whether or not you enjoy it…and the language you used suggests (strongly) that you don’t. Or at least only on your terms (when and where you want experience it).

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  • Edited by Desolator0: 9/1/2022 7:31:32 PM
    [quote]Like I said. You’re experiencing how everyone else is experiencing the game. And having a BETTER experience than many players of below average skill has in coming up against you under CBMM.[/quote] What makes you think I'm having a "better" experience? You can't honestly claim this if you've never stepped foot in any lobby even near my skill bracket and to do so is dishonest at best. I now fight some of the best players in the game - people who don't miss, position well, run meta 100%, run stacked, communicate in parties, and teamshot. Average to below-average players will not fight this kind of competition. If anything, my lobbies are far more oppressive than anything someone like you would get. What about when half my team leaves because they want to protect their K/D, and now it's a 3v6 and we get rolled? This is in no way a "better" experience than what I had before except for maybe I won't have as bad of teammates now. But a teammate who is great at the game is useless when he quits to protect his stats. [quote]You’re experiencing what competition feels like.[/quote] Yeah, in the wrong playlist. Nobody cares about Control. If you pretend to care about Control, it's only because you play it 3 times every Tuesday for the pinnacle and hop out. Bungie doesn't even care about Control because they've attached no desirable loot to it. Bungie doesn't even care about Survival because it's been dead and abandoned since Shadowkeep. They should've added SBMM in their [i]actually[/i] competitive playlists, like IB, Survival, or Trials, and maybe coupled it with some real loot incentive too, among other things that people like me have been BEGGING them for.

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  • Can I get a flawless carry mate?

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  • Sure, idc. I've done many carries before. I just need to hit 1580 base before Trials starts, but that's painfully unfun and I'm just super unmotivated to grind pinnacles atm.

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  • Thanks man I’ll definitely remember, I will look forward to it in the future.

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  • [quote]You can't honestly claim this if you've never stepped foot in any lobby even near my skill bracket and to do so is dishonest at best. I now fight some of the best players in the game - people who don't miss, position well, run meta 100%, run stacked, communicate in parties, and teamshot. Average to below-average players will not fight this kind of competition. If anything, my lobbies are far more oppressive than anything someone like you would get.[/quote] YOU are one of the best players in the game. You SHOULD be fighting the other best players in the game. YOU don't miss, position well, run meta 100% of the time (unless you are playing CBMM where you enjoyed stomping all over casual/average players) team shoot, etc or you wouldn't be in the top 1%. You hate playing against people as good as you, now just try to imagine how bad it feels for someone who is just average to play against you. Also, you may not realize this, but with SBMM the average people now have lobbies where if they try really hard, do their absolute best, they have a CHANCE to win. You are the one who will never understand how oppressive the lobbies the average people were getting were when they were matched up against people like you. They actually are getting just that kind of competition now. It's just that for them to get the same kind of competition you're complaining about they also need to be playing people of similar skill level to them the way you are now being forced to and complaining about. Now they're finally getting the kind of competition you are complaining about and loving it while you hate actually having competition for the first time. [quote]What about when half my team leaves because they want to protect their K/D, and now it's a 3v6 and we get rolled?[/quote] What about when half our team leaves because we are average and playing against a team with guys like you who are totally stomping us and they know we have absolutely no chance of winning so they just bail? [quote]Yeah, in the wrong playlist. Nobody cares about Control.[/quote] Cool, so then adding SBMM to control shouldn't bother you. You don't care about it, no one does. For something no one cares about there sure are a lot of sweats wailing and gnashing their teeth they can't beat up on those less skilled than them anymore.

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  • [quote]Cool, so then adding SBMM to control shouldn't bother you. You don't care about it, no one does. For something no one cares about there sure are a lot of sweats wailing and gnashing their teeth they can't beat up on those less skilled than them anymore.[/quote] Who was the group of players crying on these same forums for the past 3 years about PvP? Hint: it wasn't the sweats.

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 9/1/2022 7:43:22 PM
    Go read Bungie’s TWAB on the matchmaking changes. You’ve had the luxury of being able to ignore what life has been like in this game at the other end of the skill curve. So I’m in a bit of the position of trying to explain water to a fish. CBMM fed you a steady diet of non-competitive opponents. Now with SBMM you are having to compete like the vast majority of players do. You are experiencing the game like the typical player. Bu you are not being put up against players that are statistically impossible for you to beat like many people at the other end of the skill curve we’re routinely being confronted with. To expect people to play this game under those conditions is ridiculous. This is why half the player base LEFT, and Bungie was compelled to make the change. Crucible was dying. But because it was still giving you what you wanted from it, you didn’t need to notice what was happening.

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